Thanksgiving is being called out in the news as the most expensive holiday meal in decades. I am going to write two blogs about doing this meal inexpensively, all the while keeping the tastes and tradition. I will use a typical homesteader and stocked pantry method. This blog will discuss a city dweller approach.

The menu:

green beans


whipped mashed potatoes

sweet potatoes


Stuffing(made from bread ends I store in the freezer)

deviled eggs

yeast rolls.

celery with vegan cream cheese

cranberry sauce (2.00 for two 12 ounce bags)

turkey 15 pounds .89 cents a pound $13.35

vegan cheesecake

pumpkin pie

chocolate silk pie

Bottle of White wine (gift from consumer focus group)

Lavender mint and honey soda from soda stream.

The total for this menu is 15.35

This budget is realistic for a family who homesteads and has access to fresh foods on their property. A family with limited resources will struggle to have an affordable meal. I drove to Grand Junction today to price how much this meal would cost to prepare at Walmart, Sprouts, and City Market.

The meal to be prepared from Walmart would be 115.00. The meal to be prepared from Sprouts was 135.00. The meal to be prepared from City Market was 150.00.

The city dweller's creativity will be exercised to prepare a yummy, cost-effective meal. Early planning and store coupons can save a fortune. In reality, if funds are tight for your family, premade things such as stuffing and pudding mix may be a better choice. This is especially true if you do have a fully stocked pantry and spice rack. The homemaker may choose to purchase a few items every week to stick pile the ingredients for your family meal. I would serve only the vegetables your family loves. I would serve one really good dessert. A smaller turkey could be used. One thought is although initially, this seems to be a very expensive meal. I will get four dinners and 4 lunches out of the turkey. I make turkey potpies, soup, and casseroles. So, if the meal price seems daunting, think of the leftovers and plan meals from them.

Another option, if you have guests, you could ask people to bring side dishes, bread, or drinks. Many homemakers feel bad or cheap making this request, they shouldn't this is a time-consuming task. Clean-up takes forever. The key is to enjoy the time together. An additional thought, dinner can be very different from the traditional meal. Fancy vegan dishes, ham, the prime rib can be a festive meal.

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