I wore stockings with my mini skirts and dresses because i just love minis so much. However my body had changed so much after my second pregnancy i no longer enjoyed my skimpy outfits because i had dark stretch marks.

I hid them so much because somehow i felt i had failed myself not taking care of my body with oils during my pregnancy. I had always been the girl with the athletic body, had no sign of stretch marks even after giving birth to our first born Charis.

I enjoyed hiding no blemishes and boy was i humbled. So i developed dark lines of stretch marks on my thighs and buttocks during my second pregnancy. I was so lazy during my second pregnancy i never used to moisturise my body after my baths let alone oil my body, yet i gained so much weight in a short period. This explains the dark lines that i developed.

After giving birth your body changes so much and more often you still feel pregnant even after giving birth. It takes some months for the body to go back to normal and reality is it never goes back but can come closer to the way it was before.

The  Post Partum Body can be quite challenging. It is more than just one major issue and they differ from woman to woman. Amongst other things that have hit me hard are hair loss, the big belly, bigger bust size.

A mother's beauty

However after the birth of your new born, there is this beautiful and priceless feeling you have that makes you feel so womanly and beautiful. You have given birth to a little person that you love unconditionally.

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As the child grows the mother remembers that she is not just a nurture but a woman and we love to look our best including being in a beautiful body.

So what happens now that you have stretch marks and would like to reduce their appearance?

You must know that there is nothing wrong with you but those are marks of love and sometimes those marks are on your belly and it looks so dark after giving birth but as the months go by those marks fade away.

During pregnancy, our bodies change a lot and it helps to oil the body often so the body can adjust to the changes smoothly.

I shared with my sister when she was expecting her first baby. I encouraged her to oil her body and aim to be consistent because reversing the results of not taking care of your skin can be time and money consuming too.

How To Reduce The Appearance of Stretch Marks

I did a lot of research after my second pregnancy on how i could get rid of stretch marks@and i only found results of reducing their appearance and this is what i found and i hope it helps you too as a new mom or even if its been years there are still ways to correct certain marks.


Exfoliate your skin more often to increase blood circulation. This will help you even when you moisturise your body as it will absorb into the skin with dead skin cells removed.

This had a major impact in such a short space of time and i was surprised and encouraged by the results after i started exfoliating my skin.

Body brushes and body scrubs are great for exfoliation and some body scrubs reduce dark spots and hydrate your body making them good for stretch marks.

Tissue oils

Oil on the skin has amazing benefits over the long term period. it is easy to stop because you do not see the results immediately!

One can be tempted to stop oiling the skin but i love to tell myself that i am investing in my body and will reap the results many years of my lifetime. It is similar to taking care of your health and being consistent. You may not see the results immediately but you will reap a healthy looking body over the years of your life.

Do not stop oiling your body, tissue oils come in different fragrances and you can use it as part of your daily self care routine.

Oil and moisturise skin while wet

The skin does not absorb much while it is dry. It helps to moisturise your skin while it is wet especially after your bath. I have loved doing this and i have never stopped since i found out about it. It is good to get a moisturiser that hydrates the skin well not leaving it dry.

Stretch marks develop mostly when the skin stretches in a short period of time while the skin is dry. The body then requires something the moisturises the skin so it heals itself over a long period of use.

Use Elastin and collagen promoting products

These products are amazing when massaged onto the skin. They make the body firm and that makes the body look really good and youthful after giving birth. These are gifts you can give to a new mother, such products are amazing for your skin. I used them during my third pregnancy and they protected my skin from more damage.

I would get these products and massage them on my body. I would massage it well on my body for 5 minutes and more on days where i was not in a hurry. Apply these twice daily on your areas that need the most attention. You can apply all over the body especially the bum, belly and breast area to make it more firm.


I never used to like exercise but i learnt to exercise to get my firm body back. Exercising does more than that, it is good for your body to move and the results are long term. Consistent excercise too is like investing in your body to reap the rewards of a healthy body in your lifetime. It makes a big difference to exercise your body consistently.

Create your own schedule for exercising, one that works for you. One you can be disciplined to commit to and be consistent. When you exercise you get more than just the short term results of a toned body, your body was created to move so even better when you move.

Drinking water

This does a lot more than we realise. Something i noticed lately whereby i have been eating quite more than usual deliberately to increase my energy levels. I retain more water and my legs become bigger. However when i drink more water my body is more toned and firmer.

There is little emphasis on the intake of water. It heals the inside of your body. Drink more water consistently, any other drink can be quite minimal compared to water.

Eating well

Eating well is not eating less neither is it eating more. Eating well is giving your body the nutrients it needs so it functions well. I recently wrote about Self Care Is More Than Just A Beauty Routine where i confess about not eating well because i wanted to lose weight. My energy was depleted and i was very unhappy.

When you excercise, your body needs to burn fat, there are healthy fats you can consume to optimise your exercises. Research well about food and  exercising and how to balance the two.

This has been the bigger challenge for me in my post partum journey and we may share similar challenges or you may still be pregnant or planning to start a family. This will help you make wiser choices and take care of your skin much better.

I trust i have helped you prepare for your journey.

Wrapped in love,

Futhi Mkhwanazi

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