Hi everyone! My apologies for being awol this week but I've been trying to wrap up all my Christmas shopping. And this meme below sums it up so very well!

Lol is this true for you too? I also have to add my daughter's Teachers to my list. I kinda want the husband gig for myself! So easy!

But since I have to decide/buy all the gifts for everyone in our life except myself, I've been tied-up and not very active on the blog lately. My apologies.

I think I'm on the home-stretch now however. So just a few more gifts left to get, but nothing overwhelming so I think I can relax.

If you're still deciding, I'll share with you some of my "greatest hits" this year and maybe it'll help you wrap-up too.

  • Waterproof tote bag. I got this for my sister-in-law with the 3 small kids. I figured she'd be able to pack it full of stuff for roadtrips and beach-trips and then wash it down with a hose whenever anything spills in it.
  • Cooling Pillow and Air Filter. I got the cooling pillow for my husband who prefers to sleep in the COLD with the room fan on HIGH. I also got an air filter for my husband who wakes up with a stuffy nose every morning and he has to use a saline solution to clear it all out everyday. I blame it on how cold he keeps the room and the fan being on high all night. Maybe this air filter will help his issues. But who knows?
  • Charcuterie board and serving trays/bowls. This is also for my husband, believe it or not. He's been inviting friends over to watch football games and he's been teasing me for all my cheap serving trays/bowls. Yes, my stuff is cheap but they work. So, due to all his teasing, a new better-looking set is his gift.

Anyhow, those are some of my best finds for this year. What are some of your best finds so far?