Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Navigate holiday season stress like a pro

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This Month...

"The holidays can be fun and stressful. Manage the holiday stress to actually enjoy the season."
– Suzanne Brown

Others' Thoughts...

"Relax a little bit, enjoy these wonderful days [during the holiday season] and prepare your mind and body for the coming year."
– Ceren Cubukcu, bestselling author and award-winning entrepreneur

Mompowerment Facebook Group News!

The Mompowerment Facebook group is back! If you were already in the group, you're able to post and comment again. If you weren't previously in the group, come join us. The group is a place to find camaraderie, get/give advice in a judge-free zone, and find accountability (I'll be doing a monthly accountability session). If you're ready to create that balanced lifestyle you've been thinking about, come hang out with fellow Mompowerment mamas!
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Mompowerment Thoughts

Hi read,

How are you today? How is it almost Thanksgiving!?! I don't know about you, but October was a lot. We enjoyed it, but it was a lot.

The holiday season is here. Yay and 😩. It's a fun time of year that can also be stressful.

For years, we would travel 3+ hours to our family ranch to hang out with and play hosts to my extended family on Thanksgiving. It was fun for our boys, but preparing a meal in a small kitchen wasn't fun for my husband and me. During the pandemic, we stopped going and started hosting a much smaller group in our home. For now, we're good with this new version of Thanksgiving. Last week my dad tried to convince me to host at the ranch this year, but I stood my ground.  

So, how can you manage stress during the holiday season? I've got 7 tips:

Consider what you want the holidays to look like. It doesn't have to be magical or perfect to be a great season. Is the holiday season all about family for you? Trying to find time for friends in town? Is baking one of your love languages? Do you want to road trip to nearby towns with fun holiday events? Figure out what things you want first before you start thinking about others' needs and wants.

Maintain boundaries. Know what you want to be able to say yes to and when to say no. It's really easy to get wrapped up in the excitement (and pressure) of the season and stretch yourself too thin. Be intentional with the things you say yes to.

Be present. More JOMO, less FOMO. JOMO – joy of missing out – can overpower FOMO – fear of missing out. Enjoy the moment you're in and stop thinking about the thing you might be missing.

Simplify gift-giving. Is it time for everyone on your list outside of your home to get the same gift? Can it be a gift card so everyone buys what they want? Maybe your kids can make cute cards to go along with the gift cards. Or maybe get the same gift for all the women on your list and the same gift for all the men on your list.

Outsource a holiday task. It starts with checking your budget. How much can you afford to outsource? OK, got a number in mind? Now what can you outsource? Hire out gift wrapping or buy local from vendors that offer gift wrapping. Consider getting a one-time house cleaning before everyone arrives if you don't usually have a housekeeper. Pay for someone to decorate your house with your existing decorations. You get the idea. You can hire all sorts of things during the holidays, depending on your budget. 

Be healthy. It's easy to overindulge on too much sugar and alcohol and end up feeling not-so-great, which can add to holiday stress. Drink enough water. Get enough sleep. Be intentional with what you eat and drink at home and during holiday parties. Move your body.

Schedule self-care. Small moments of self-care each day matter. It might be even more important during the hectic holiday season. Maybe ask for the gift of time this holiday season?
How do you manage stress during the holidays? Struggling in this area? Let us know in the Mompowerment Facebook group and get some new ideas in addition to those I mentioned here.  

Sending you happy holiday vibes,

PS Save the date! Our December Accountability Session in the Mompowerment Facebook group will be on 12/1 at 12pm CST. We'll be talking about the Know Your Why Guide. Join us in the group or feel free to pass this on to someone you know who's trying to make changes in her life, starting with her motivation for change!

PPS Black Friday deals are coming your way next week! Keep an eye out mid-week or you'll miss it!

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How Can I Help You?

You want meaningful changes to create a balanced lifestyle, but you're not sure where to start. Book 1:1 time to tackle a specific challenge like how to be more productive this school year or to have Suzanne review a proposal for changes at work. Take action now to help you maximize your time or start moving closer to the work-life balance you crave! Don't find yourself in the same place when next summer or the next school year starts.

As a manager or senior leader, are you focusing more on employee well-being? Schedule time for a strategy session with me to brainstorm how you can support your employees to attract and retain the amazing working moms and dads in your organization. Include a workshop with Suzanne in your annual planning now for 2024. Or recommend my workshops or trainings to Employee Resource Group (ERG) leaders at your company.

See more about Suzanne's speaking services and topics

20-minute, 60-minute, half-day, and full-day VIP sessions available

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Insights from Mompowerment

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Check out the latest LinkedIn videos from Mompowerment

Holiday festivities start next week for US working moms and dads. It can be a fun and stressful time of the year. I share 3 ways to manage your holiday stress. 

Making the Holidays Easier for Working Moms

Holidays can be fun and stressful. Get tips on making the holidays easier for working moms, including ideas on holiday meals.

Thoughts from Others and Tools

Upcoming Events

  • Mompowerment Facebook group December accountability session 12/1 at 12pm CST
  • Private events for various groups and companies
  • New trainings will be coming soon!

Buy the Books

Grab your copy of either of the award-winning Mompowerment books for yourself, your friends and colleagues, or your employees. 
Buy "Mompowerment" Book on Amazon
Buy "The Mompowerment Guide to Work-Life Balance" on Amazon

About Suzanne Brown

Suzanne Brown is a strategic marketing and business consultant and work-life balance speaker, workplace strategist, and bestselling and 4-time award-winning author. She empowers working moms to create greater work-life balance and helps companies become more balance friendly. Read her weekly blog, watch her TED talk, or read more about her books at www.mompowerment.com. She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two young boys.
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