Monday, February 26, 2024

What Matters to Us

Hi read,

Happy Monday! Our planner contest has ended and the winner has been notified. Thank you to everyone who entered the contest by sharing your priorities. I read every single response and was so moved by your stories.

If you haven't already responded, I would absolutely love to hear from you. What are your top priorities in this season of life? Hit "reply" and let me know! If you're struggling with this exercise, I'd love to hear that too. I have a couple of guided steps you can use to gain some clarity.

Every person is unique, but we all share priorities in common too! There were definitely a few themes that emerged in your responses.

  • 65% of you are prioritizing family, kids and partners. Your specific visions included homeschooling, teaching your kids about healthy eating, making lasting memories, and going on family adventures!
  • 39% of you are focused on health, fitness and wellness right now. I think we all realize that it can be hard to make time for this priority, but at the same time it really supports all of the other things we want to do.
  • 33% of you want to prioritize faith or spiritual practice during this season of life. Some of you mentioned becoming more active in your faith community, and some wanted to nurture your personal meditation practice. I love your awareness of this aspect of happiness and determination not to let it slip through the cracks of a busy life.
  • 32% of you are focused on career growth and success. It was inspiring to hear such a wide variety of career goals. You mentioned everything from focusing on your patients as a professional caregiver to changing careers to continuing your education.

These four focus areas were by far the most commonly mentioned. There were many others as well! Some of you are focused on your finances, home organization, growing your business, or your mental health.

I love hearing from you so much. Again, if you still want to share your priorities, please don't hesitate to do so. I love reading them.



PS. Coming up next - an exercise to figure out where your time is going and whether it is aligned to your priorities!

Unsubscribe | 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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