How after the U.S. left the Middle East in a HUGE mess, and, ran!  Commentaries off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

In less than two weeks, more than 120,000 military personnel departed the airports of Kabul, left a record in transportation by air in history.

American's abandonment of Afghanistan left the country in a mess, chaos.  Earlier, Biden announced: the American military services plans to retreat out of Afghanistan completely on September 11th of this year, on the twentieth anniversary of the attacks on New York World Trade Center, symbolizing, that the mission of stopping terrorist actions had been completed.  The press asked, "can the local Afghani government fight off the Taliban on their own after the American armed services and N.A.T.O. withdraw the troops completely?

Biden's answer was affirmative: the U.S. set up the foundations of democracy, with the popularly voted president and the congress; setting up the three hundred thousand modern military supplies from the U.S., it's more than enough to fight off the Taliban.  Before he finished, the news of the major cities in Afghanistan, fallen to the terrorists, even the capital of Kabul too.  The places of gathering for the members of the public, is the ideal places of terrorists for the attacks; the members of ISIS-K guarded the gates of the airports locally, and, a suicide bomber detonated, killing thirteen of the American servicepeople, with fifteen injured, and, the locals who died outside of the airport numbed up to ninety, then, the number was, recounted, and reported to 175.

the foreign policies of Uncle Sam...found online


The death and injuries of American citizens on foreign soils is something major, and Biden went under the bus by the American public for it; the pregnant wife of a deceased military serviceman, on Fox, cussed the president she'd voted for out; the congressmen of the Democratic Party started up the petition to impeach.  And yet, no U.S. president had been, successfully, impeached in history.

To get out of Afghanistan as soon as possible, setting up a sturdy foundation for democracy.  During Obama's term, he'd set up the plans to withdraw the military services out, Trump set up a contract with the Taliban, by this May, all armed services stationed in Afghanistan came back home.  Biden was the one, seeing everything through, it's, a good thing.

But, the "getting ahead" of the withdrawal of the military services was too awful to witness!  Estimating the conditions incorrectly, false intel, leaving in a hurry, leaving massive amounts of weapons behind, in and out of the airports of Kabul, a huge chaos, with deaths, and those who got, severely, injured; then, run away, with the tail between the legs.

Uncle Sam had trained the armies in Afghanistan for many years, setting up a democracy, claimed the human rights beliefs; the Taliban destroyed all of that, in an, instant.  The U.S. spent a total of two hundred billion dollars in Afghanistan, it's, a loss from the very start.  The capitalists are good in keeping the books, and, if they can't afford the costs, then, they quickly, abandons ship, and the promises, the pacts, the agreements for peace, all left behind, like they're, nothing.

Biden stated, "the war the Afghani soldiers wouldn't even fight, why do we sent the American armed forces to die!  The U.S. will NOT bleed for the cowards!" so, who else are, cowards?  Taiwan?  South Korea?  My good friend in Korean worried, that how would Uncle Sam handle it, if the stubborn, just as poor Korean armed forces like the Taliban came over to fight?

The U.S. advised Taiwan, to: buy massive amounts of weapons, torpedoes, drones, the grenade launchers, and other forms of weapons with great precisions, to train the armed services to fight guerrilla in the jungles, the cities, and the mountains here.  Guerrilla warfare was the "getting ahead program" that Uncle Sam designed for Taiwan?  But, with this younger generation who are focused on the tiny blessings of life, I'm afraid, none of them are willing to, engage, in guerrilla warfare, are they, cowards too?

No, we just, want to, keep our selves alive, after all, that is, what it's, all about, isn't it?  SURVIVAL!  And with the U.S.'s constantly, making ITS, empty promises to protect the rest of the world from terrorist attacks, yada, yada, yada, look how scattered, it'd, left, abandoned the "ship" called Afghanistan, not to mention, Iraq, Vietnam, from the sixties, and, history is still, repeating itself, it's just, that the players are not the exact same, there are, the newly entered into the ring: Taiwan, China, etc., etc., etc., etc., and yeah, it's still, a total, circus scene all right!!!

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