Because he's run short on, cash, and, murder became, his, "solution" to the "problem"…reason why he'd, murdered her, and, how the judge gave him only life, instead of the DEATH penalty, because he "showed" remorse, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The man ran short on spending cash, learned of his ex, Dai having more than $200,000 in her savings, and, used the excuse of "one more conversation after we broke up" to get her to a motel, added in the FM2 pills into her drink, then robbed her, Dai struggled and was strangled to death.  The Hsinchu District Court found Chen guilty of murder and robbery, gave him life-term, Chen felt displeased, fought for the appeals, and the Highest Courts tossed back his asking, case closed.

The father of the murdered woman grilled Chen for "wanting nothing but money, money, money", treated his daughter as an ATM; Chen caused her children to lose their mother, that they will never move on, begged the courts for the death penalty.  But the judge took into considerations that Chen had no priors, that he'd not used such a cruel method to commit the murder, and "apologized" to both parents of the victim, sentenced him to life.

The thirty-one-year-old Chen broken up with Dai in June of 2019, late in the evening on July nineth, he drove Dai to a motel.  And hadn't checked out the following noon, the hotel staff went to check, and found Dai in bed, naked, with the covers over her, with strangulation marks on her neck.  Chen who was there with her wasn't found.

The police investigations found that Chen ran out of cash to spend, learned of Dai having some money saved up, and, struck up the thought of murdering her to get the money, he'd gotten Dai drunk, and gotten her to tell him her ATM password, strangled Dai to death, and, transferred via her cell phone to his account, in more than $100,000N.T. from her savings.

As Chen murdered Dai, he'd sent the LINE messages to her friend, to make it look like she was still alive, and during his time on the run, he'd threated his own ex, "you're next!", his ex wife was thrilled and called the police, and, lured Chen out with the police, got him arrested.

The Hsinchu District Court believed, that when Dai was murdered she was only thirty years old, left an eleven and a nine year old behind, Chen admitted to murder, but made the excuse of "for the sake of getting back with her", and as he'd murdered her impulsively, then, thought of transferring her assets to him; the district attorneys also found, that as he was drugging her, he'd claimed that after she died, he will commit suicide, and, tried to evade his responsibilities of murdering the woman.

On Chen's appeal, he'd claimed that he'd accidentally murdered her after he got drunk, the D.A. also appealed to get the death penalty; the second trial, the judge believed that Chen took the date rape drugs, FM2 showed premeditation, and because his measures of murder wasn't that cruel, and he'd shown signs of remorse, tossed the appealed back on both.  Chen filed for another appeal, which was tossed by the Highest Court, and the case was settled.

And so, that, is what you get, for brutally premeditating, murdering someone, life-term, because you showed remorse for what you did, and this case was premeditation all the way, the man lured the woman out, gotten her drunk, slipped the FM2 into her drink, after she'd passed out, he'd, strangled her, and stole money from her account, and yet, he got away, with the death penalty, because the judge found his measures of murder not cruel enough, that he'd shown, remorse???  Where's the justice in that?  Oh wait, there is, N-O-N-E!

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