The long-term, sexual abuse of this young child, into, her teenage, years, and, this is called, justice???  Yeah right, get REAL!!!  But hey, the judge had, spoken, and case is, closed!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

She was Not Yet Five When Her Mother's Boyfriend Was Asked to Help Take Care of Her, Although the Settlement Agreement Was, Reached, but the Man Didn't Get His Sentence Reduced, Due to the Maliciousness to Which He'd, Raped Her

Yo, in 2008, was asked by his friend to help watch his three-year-old daughter, but, before the young girl turned five, Yo started raping, molesting her, for around ten whole years, until the victim could no longer take it anymore, and told a volunteer counselor about it.  The Yilan District Court found Yo guilty of forced sexual behaviors of a child of under age fourteen 608 times, molestation for four hundred times, a total of thirteen-years, ten months; and, for the sixty-two times of sexual molestations of the child, a year an eight months, and he could pay the charges and not serve the time for this.

Yo is currently sixty-six years ago, and even though he'd, admitted to what he'd done, and settled with the teenager, the teenager's father forgave him, and begged the courts for mercy for Yo, but the judge believed that the crimes Yo committed was serious, and not given him a lighter sentence.

The verdict pointed out, that Yo, being the victim's grandfather's friend, the victim's parents were divorced when she was young, her father wasn't doing well in his ventures, in 2008, he'd, handed her and her older brother to be cared for by Yo, back then she was only three years old.

Yo was suspected of raping the young girl from August of 2010 to mid-October in 2012, in the frequencies of once every two days, a total of 404 rapes on her during the time; from 2012 to 2017, he'd, raped her in her bedroom, in his residence, a total of 204 times.

From September of 2017 to October of 2019, he'd patted her breasts, patted her pubic areas, molested her, for about four times a week, a total of, four hundred times counted; from when the adolescent turned fourteen, he'd raped and molested her another, sixty-two times to the start of June in 2020.  In the end, the girl couldn't put up with it, and finally, told her social worker whom she was getting counseled for long-term, and that was when the whole thing busted, wide open.

The courts found Yo guilty on 406 charges of forced sexual acts of a minor younger than fourteen years, and, sentenced him to seven years two months; the charges of having sexual intercourse with a minor of under age fourteen, a total of 202 counts, seven months each, that he is to serve a total of thirteen years, ten months for.

And, the molestations charges of a minor between ages fourteen to sixteen, sixty-two counts, with three months sentence on each count, a total of a year eight months in prison, which he could pay the fees, and not serve the time.

And yeah, how's this, enough, for punishment?  I mean, imagine it is you, who got FUCKED (don't pardon me here!) by this "friend" of the family, someone you trusted, because your parents entrusted you to him, and what of the emotional sufferings, the psychological problems this young woman will develop (and she will in her future!) for what she was put through, by this, SEX predator that wore the false fronts of a "family friend", huh?  How's this punishment, SEVERE enough?  It's nowhere NEAR, enough!

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