Earlier this week, my youngest daughter took a tumble off of our picnic table, hitting her head on the cement patio below. 

I felt sick about it.

Of course, I did what any mother would do, comforting her the best I could, using her favourite blanky and stuffies to make her feel better … putting ice on her wound … giving her a bit of Tylenol for a possible headache, as well as lots of cuddles and special attention … 

Once I got her into bed for the night, I couldn't stop thinking about the incident … I replayed it in my mind again and again and again … 

I didn't WANT to worry … I KNOW worrying isn't productive or fruitful … I don't believe in "borrowing trouble" … and I hate the trap of "what if" thinking … sure, I'm a big advocate of being appropriately cautious … but NEVER worried.

In fact, I'm actually NOT much of a "worrier" at all … I've definitely struggled with anxiety over the years, but much of that is rooted in the fear of not being able to do ALL that needs to be done in the time that I have to do it … I've worked through a lot of this though and have tried a "just do the next thing" approach that seems to be working … 

When worry DOES creep in, it is ALMOST ALWAYS about one of the kids getting sick or injured. I've definitely used Ho'oponopono over the years, a simple Hawaiian prayer repeating the words, "I'm sorry! I love you! Please forgive me! Thank you!" over and over …

The POWER of this simple prayer has definitely solidified for me the importance of prayer in our lives … 

This time was no different … 

I believe wholeheartedly in Philipians 4:6 … "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

So that's what I did … I made a point of sitting down with God that night … I journaled, speaking directly to Him … I prayed that my daughter's discomfort would be minor … I thanked Him for the gift of my children, for the opportunity for us to show compassion, care, and love to one of our family members … I confessed and took responsibility for my "oversight" … for my mistake … after all, I was the one who had LET the kids dance to "Boot Scootin' Boogie" up on the picnic table … I didn't STOP them … in fact, I was ENJOYING watching them bond … I confided in Him, confessing that I WAS feeling a little worried about the whole situation (we did have a head-bonking incident a few years back that led to vomiting in the night and an ambulance ride to Saskatoon, so I had personal grounds for concern, right?) … I promised Him that we would learn from our mistake …

I KNOW I didn't actually HAVE to say all of those things … God KNOWS my heart … but the process was healing for me …

Once I was done "talking" to God, I turned to music to "bring home" what I KNEW I had to do that night … I had to "let go and let God" (Psalm 46:10) … I had to "cast my cares" on Him … this wasn't for me to "fix" … I had to release my "grip" on this whole situation …

I'm NOT the one who's in CONTROL ...

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

I used this song by Finding Favour to solidify what I KNOW is true …


Did I sleep a little "lighter" that night? Sure, I did. Did I sleep WITHOUT my ear plugs so I could respond quicker to any "calls" from down the hall? Absolutely. 

But, I got out of bed the next morning, KNOWING that I can TRUST in God … KNOWING that FAITH wins … every time! 

My daughter was her normal, happy self … ready for another episode of Paw Patrol, a cup of milk, and a chocolate chip pancake.

Thanks be to God!