You are busy, we are busy. August is crazy. This month we went for quick hit topics.

Episode 27- Sports, saying no and sick kids. Sports. The stress of practices and being on the go constantly, sick kids and saying no!

Episode 28- Mom's closet problems. Do you have 100 different classes of clothes in your closet? Are you hanging on to those pieces that you will likely never squeeze into again? We talk all about closets and why it's good for the soul to organize and clean them out!

Episode 29- Asking for help!  Do you have a hard time asking for help?  Are you trying to do it all yourself? Why? Why are you doing this? Start asking. Stop trying to do everything and getting nowhere. We discuss how in this week's episode. 

Episode 30- When parents travel. We are rounding out our short summer series with a great conversation about traveling with your spouse and leaving your kids at home.  ALL the emotions that come with it and some lessons learned along the way.