As I reflected yesterday on 911, I was in shock that it has been 20 years since that day. I still remember it like it was yesterday. And maybe that's why I take what Biden did in Afghanistan to heart so much! I wasn't sure exactly what to write yesterday as I thought about it all day, holding back tears. Our country has become a mess in twenty years, after a tragedy like that occurred and brought this country together to stand strong and help each other out.

On Sunday, when I'm working outside I come in the house to cool off. Today every time, I continued to watch Outpost. It's a movie about an Army outpost in Afghanistan, and based off of a true story. I watched it today, with the thoughts of; how infuriating it must be to the men like these guys, who watched their Army brothers die, fighting the Taliban. Then only to see our current president give our military's ammo, guns, aircraft, and vehicles over to the Taliban. And the 13 soldiers that had their lives taken on being abandoned by our country, is beyond upsetting! Perhaps the ones who voted for Biden need to watch the people jumping from the towers, and remind themselves of the tragedy of that day on 911. Perhaps they need to hear the stories from the families of the people who lost a loved one that day due to the Taliban. This year was a hard year to stomach. We took a time where the tried to weaken us, and it only made us stronger, to the twenty year anniversary of the towers being taken down by them, the US is a laughing stock of all countries! How did you allow us to get here America? It is absolutely sickening and heart breaking all in one!!

I remember exactly where I was on 911. At my ex-in-law's house and we were scared for hours not knowing whether my former brother-in-law was at work in the towers yet when the planes hit or not. With cell service being down, there was no way to know. The thought of those innocent people stuck in those towers, is the same one of the American's that are stuck in Afghanistan and of the fallen 13. It is absolutely a disgrace that we abandoned our own, and that we gave a terrorist group our weapons. I hope and pray for our country.