We live in crazy and exciting times, that are very different from our own childhoods in lots of way. Tech is advancing rapidly, and it can seem hard to keep up and know how to best guide our children.

To best support and guide our children, we need information and know-how. So I've collected the best parenting practices for how to deal with a range of things from screen-time to cyber bullying.

When you have relevant information it's so much easier to make informed decisions that suit YOUR family, because everyone's family is different, and you will know what will work best for you.

This guide can help you:

  • To think about your child's digital footprint (and what that is)
  • To feel less overwhelmed and have a clearer perspective on what's age appropriate for your child.
  • To find balance and moderation
  • Find ideas for what might work for your family - rules and boundaries to set
  • Find inspiration for things outside of screen time.
  • and much more!

If you want this FREE GUIDE that I've made for you, please pop your details in the form below.
