I have a secret from my past that I don't share with many. I've suffered with mental illness. Severe depression. Uncontrollable anxiety. Suicidal ideation. Panic attacks. I'm putting this into the universe today because it's World Suicide Prevention Day. The times I've felt compelled to share this part of my story, I've never regretted it. I've actually found that within those deep conversations is where I've found that everyone else has their own secrets too. The more I've encountered these connections, the more I've realized the need for us to be open about mental health.

As a society, there are so many people struggling with depression and anxiety. The older I get, the more open I am about mental health because millions suffer in silence. Ashamed. Afraid. Confused. Lonely. In unbearable pain. As difficult as all of these emotions are, I've never heard anyone say that connecting with someone else who has also suffered wasn't helpful. To hear that you're not alone can have a huge impact. If you've had your own struggles, I encourage you to be open about it. It always amazes me how such a raw and painful experience can actually open someone else's eyes and heart to hope. And sometimes, as humans, all we need is a glimpse of hope. ✨

I got this tattoo 8 years ago. It was a reflection into previous years of suffering and overcoming. A moment when I truly matured and realized my self-worth. A reflection of what a huge blessing life truly is. A quote that reminds me daily that I am a little tiny piece of a very large universe. Problems and stress come and go. There is no evil or burden that is worth taking away the fierce love you hold within your own heart and soul. You are so loved. You are so worthy. You are never alone. 🖤

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