I need everyone's opinion. Please comment and help me out with my decision making.

So I want to leave my fulltime county job. I've been working a lot of hours, I don't think my pay is right. My last check should have been between 1400-1200$ after taxes and insurance are taken out. I got 900$. I don't get child support. He refuses to pay.

The job is starting to become more work for less money. I've brought it to HR and they give me every excuse in the book.

I've got a choice I can go to the carwash fulltime and make 14$ an hour and maybe be able to get a raise. I'm not sure on that yet. It would be less daily hours. No more 12 hour days I'd work a set 40 hours a week. It'd be less stress, less time away from anna, my boss here is extremely awesome he's very nice a total difference from the county. I'm just not sure what to do because the carwash partime is how I pay smaller bills and stuff like that. I wouldn't get overtime like I do at the county. I wouldn't have paid time off.

At the county I'm making about 1600$ a month. If I went fulltime at the car wash I'd be making around 2,000$ a month but that's without taxes taken out. I don't know If I should leave the county and go to the carwash.

Carwash benefits: less stress, less time away from home, shorter work days, set schedules, a more positive environment.

Carwash downfalls: no paid time off, if the carwash is closed due to weather I don't get paid, im not sure if it's enough to keep me afloat I'd probably need a partime job.

County benefits: overtime,Paid time off, holidays off. County downfalls: long days, paychecks are off, rude residents, terrible bosses, can't ever take days off due to not having any coverage.

So what should I do? I can always get a partime job serving or bartending or something maybe...please help me out. I can't see clearly because my anxiety is clouding my head. I'm not good with changes and this is a big change for me. I've been with the county for three years and I just got moved to 14$ an hour. I started at 14$ an hour at the carwash. I just need to make the right choice...

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