This morning as we woke up at our Florida coast vacation rental, we immediately went outside to explore in the sand and soak up the warm, sticky salt air. It alway seems to wash away my stress, but today I was thinking about all the people waking up with no electricity, no water, no home, or fearing for their lives across the globe. It seems that the "natural" disasters and human catastrophes are competing with one another, as of late, for who can do the most damage.

When I looked up at the clouds, which are always interesting, there was a full rainbow just visible through the haze of the morning cloud cover. My four-year-old ran to get his camera, but it just looked like a photo of fog. As I thought about the rainbow again when we went inside for breakfast, it occurred to me that God's promises often seem covered or delayed. His timing is definitely not mine and His purposes are not often immediately (if ever) clear.

The haze of the cloud cover, however, did not take away the rainbow, it merely made it a little less obvious, took a little more time to focus on. Even after completing my masters project on the theology of suffering, I do not claim to understand all the atrocities happening across our world (that will be another post). What I do know is that God is grieved by suffering also. What I do know is that his promises are still true. I don't have to understand because I trust.

The circumstances in your life may be making the promises of God seem hazy or far off, but hold on to them. Look through the clouds, you will find Him.

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