As a young mom, I know that there may be times where you can get emotional and frustrated. Especially for those that just gave birth, this is the time where you are more sensitive than ever. A lot of things matter to you and even the littlest things can bother you. Not to mention, having a baby can be a handful and you will inevitably have less time for yourself and other things. But did you know that having a houseplant can contribute to your well-being as a mom? This is an example of a plant that you can take care of that will surely contribute to your well-being. 

Indoor Plant

For us moms, since there are a lot of brain activities going on, doing simple things aside from taking care of your baby can be helpful. Just like our body, our brain needs a break, too. Taking care of a plant is an effective way of doing that. Not only will plant care help ease your mind, but a plant will not take much of your time to care for. Besides, you do not need to worry too much about them. They really only need water, sunlight and love to grow.

Talk to your Plants

Being a plant mom parallels motherhood. For first-time moms, from the moment your baby is born, you do not specifically know everything about him or her, right? You will need time to get to know them and adjust to their needs. A plant is a great symbolism for this. When you get a young plant, it may not be strong and healthy, but as it grows older, you will be able to see some healthy foliage. 

How Indoor Plants can Positively Affect Maternal Mental Wellbeing  

Taking Care of Indoor Plants

1. Make Connections with Indoor Plants 

It's always nice to find someone that gets to listen to you express your feelings and emotions. One of the best ways to do this is to visit a therapist, which can be a great resource for moms. You can also confide in a friend or a loved one, but there is still a possibility that you might feel judged or misunderstood. There might be some people that you trust who can understand you, like your mom, your husband, or your best friend, but this is not the same for everybody. You can also take care of and talk to a plant. 

Tending Indoor Plants

When you have a plant, you can make a connection with them simply by talking. Plants are willing to listen to all the stories that you tell them, and you can tell them anything you want. Studies show that some plants respond well to positive things that they hear. Those plants tend to grow healthy and strong, unlike plants that don't hear positive words. Some plants show poor growth when they are frequently hearing negative comments. The good thing about this practice is that you can observe how your plants are responding to the nice things you are saying to them, which can be good for your mental health. 

Watering Indoor Plants

2. Taking Care of Your Indoor Plants for Leisure 

Ever since the pandemic began, there are a lot of people who have taken up caring for houseplants as their hobby. Plants are simply great companions. Aside from the fact that they are easy to take care of, they can be rewarding. If you take care of them in the right way, they can provide you with beautiful foliage. Taking care of houseplants is also a great way to pass time. If you ever find yourself thinking way too much about things, you can start taking care of plants. One of the mental health benefits of this is that you can keep your mind off of things that negatively affect you and focus your thoughts on something that can preoccupy your mind in a good way. Here is an example of some beautiful plants that you can take care of.

Potting Indoor Plants

3. You'll Know Your Purpose and Importance with Plants 

When you take care of your plants, you ensure that you know your plants well so you can provide for their needs. You make sure that they are growing in the best way that they can. You will know if something is wrong and you will find out what is causing problems and fix them and make your plants healthy again. Knowing these things, you'll see how important you are. Your plants won't be able to do much or live long if not for your proper care. Click here for an example of plants that you would really love to keep in your home. 

Beautiful Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are great for your mental wellbeing. They are also relatively easy to care for and pretty to look at. With these things, you'll be able to fully understand how keeping an indoor plant with you as a mom can be helpful for you and your mental health.