you living a life you love? Have you uncovered your purpose? The path
to answering "YES!" to each of these questions is the same, and it's
outlined in my latest YouTube video.

It involves these two critical choices you must make:

Choose to be 100% responsible for the outcomes of your life. No blaming
circumstances. No blaming others. No excuses. 100% responsibility for
the outcomes of your life.

Know that whatever pain you are experiencing now is here to be your
portal for growth. Even though it's hard, it's here to be your teacher,
your guide, your inspiration into a bigger, more beautiful life beyond
your wildest dreams.

Take this path, as I outline in this video by sharing parts of my own journey, and you will live a purposeful life that you FREAKING LOVE! Please, our world is a much better place when you are living on purpose.