Everyone has qualities that are their strengths and some that are their weaknesses. Sometimes its both. I have some great qualities that I love about myself. Recently though I am starting to thing that one of me greatest qualities is also my weakest, my downfall. Caring. I care to much. I go above and beyond to help others to the point that I will put myself to the bottom of the list if it means helping someone else.

Recently I have decided that I deserve better. I don't need to drop everything that I am doing to help someone else. I don't need to be there at their beck and call and I don't have to be dragged into their drama. I understand that sometimes people really do need help but how many times does this happen before there is nothing left to give. I have been emotionally drained. I can't be there for everyone all the time.

Is it possible to care to much? Is checking in, a problem?

Does it make me a bad person if I have given up? Does it make me a horrible person for saying enough is enough? I can't be the emotional support person anymore. I can't be the one to care anymore. Possibly its time we all grow up a little and realize that the things we do, say, don't say, or don't do can effect other people besides ourselves. Or maybe it's time to weed out people those who don't care about us.