It's strange how yesterday's weather accurately portrayed the battle going on in my head.
The wind thrashing branches off of trees, sending them flailing across the yard.
The rain pelting and pouring so thick you could barely see through it.
The thunder booming and lighting cracking.
How the darkness of twilight came absorbing my view from my window.
I could hear the pelts of drops a ratata against the tin roof.
The thunder booming so hard I could feel it in my chest.
But when dawn came and it all went away was the start of a somber day.
A new day.
Another reflection of the inside of my brain as It calms like the rain had.
The clouds are blocking out the sun giving it a blueish gray feel.
A light breeze blowing the leaves.
The sun pokes out every now and then.
It's not so loud inside my head.

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