Photo by Roberto Nickson on

Winding down to the last week of the self-love challenge, I must say the last three weeks truly have been amazing and eye opening. This is what my last week looked like.

DAY 22 - Do a random act of kindness.

This was pretty challenging because the question is what random act of kindness can I do in a pandemic while we're under lockdown. So I decided to look within my family unit. I did something nice for my sister though she may beg to differ and I did something nice for my boyfriend.

DAY 23 - Text a friend.

Now I have friends who I speak to almost everyday. I didn't actually text anyone but a friend called me for something and we got into talking about our lives, jobs etc and what would have been a 10 minute conversation turned into an hour plus long phone call. I will not lie, I appreciated it deeply because in conversing with them I realized I am not alone in feeling the way I feel. Also gave me inspiration for a future blog post.

DAY 24 - Get dressed up and take pictures.

This...oh boy. Soo...I attribute 75% of the blame to Kevin (my boyfriend) and 25% of the blame on me for not doing this as I had originally planned. Mentally in my head I planned my outfit complete with heels but on the day of we ran very late which resulted in me just grabbing whatever my hands landed on. However, it was new clothes and I did take pics and I sent it to Kevin even though I described myself as looking like a half baked chicken.

DAY 25 - Look in a mirror.

This is always a challenge for me because I do not really watch myself in a mirror for anything longer than 5 seconds. But this was an exercise that really helped me to remove some of my dislike around watching myself in the mirror.

DAY 26 - Make a sugar scrub.

I wasn't making a sugar scrub so I opted a face mask I already had and used that. While removing the face mask and after it made me really think about seriously developing a skin care routine and taking better care of my skin overall.

DAY 27 - Movie Night.

Originally I was looking for a zombie or sci-fi movie but decided to go with a Hallmark movie instead. I found the perfect Hallmark movie called Perfect Proposal which is premised on Pride and Prejudice. Totally loved the movie and I really enjoyed having the alone time.

DAY 28 - Reflect.

It's the last day of the self-love challenge and I decided to pen some of my thoughts here. This is a great challenge for anyone to participate in regardless of your relationship status. Focusing on myself for the past 28 days really helped me to realign myself and keep me grounded with the lockdown and State of Emergency.

There are a few things I will keep doing and I have learned some new ways to grow as a person. But my biggest take away is self-love comes in different forms and fashions, there is no one size fits all just like self-care. And some of these activities are things I would do as self-care. So maybe self-care and self-love goes hand in, who knows? I'll probably explore it in a future post.

All in all, I am really thankful for this experience. It was an amazing challenge and I do believe I have grown as a person and I am more appreciative of myself. Thank you for following me along on this journey and I hope you try it at least once.


Reminders for my blog posts are posted on my Instagram and Facebook weekly so make sure to subscribe, follow, and like!

In case you missed it, here are parts one, two, and three of the self-love challenge.

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