And to Ezekiel, she is simply the absolute most. In mid-June, when he first saw his Aunt Katie in person, he lit up like the sun, shining eyes and a grin a mile wide. And his fondness for her never waned. Grandma and Grandpa were great too, but they just don't compare to Aunt Katie. = )

Katie had already spent two years as the Most Awesome Aunt. She had arrived in Hong Kong the day after he was born and helped care for him (and his mom) for, I think, three weeks. And ever since then, she's had a very special relationship with Ezekiel via WhatsApp chat. So, when she knew they'd be coming to Walnut Shade for three months, Katie, ever the research consultant/planner/problem solver, jumped through I don't know how many professional, personal, and logistical hoops to come spend time here with her nephew, niece, and their parents.

On her first jaunt, Katie was here in June for about two and-a-half weeks. Then she came back for a couple more weeks in early August at the end of her vacation time in the Smokies. And then she came a THIRD time for the last week before they flew back to Hong Kong.

Katie is the aunt we all wished we'd had. She is totally fun, full of great ideas, and always willing to do whatever Ezekiel or Ellie wants. She did a lot of remote work while she was with us, but when she was off work, she was completely available to and focused on those kids. Swimming in the creek, pushing them on the swing, pulling then in the wagon, playing with Bally-bally, spending hours in the sandbox with Ezekiel, going to the library, playing on the porch, running in the yard, reading books. She even singlehandedly took Ezekiel to Silver Dollar City!

And the friends. Oh, my goodness, the friends.

Jessica had told me that Ezekiel had been given a lot of stuffed animals at home, but that he didn't care anything about them. That was fine; I didn't send him any, and here at the house, we only had a few: two different Winnie-the-Poohs, a Piglet, and a little monkey. Oh, and a big white Polar Bear, which he pronounced, "Pooh-yuh-bear." (He can't quite say his L's yet, and it's charming. I am smitten.)

Actually Katie didn't drive 6,000 miles to spend 36 days in Walnut Shade this summer. I just did the calculations.

Gordonsville to Walnut Shade: 1,016 miles

Walnut Shade to Gordonsville: 1,016 miles

Gordonsville to Townsend: 393 miles

Townsend to Walnut Shade: 647 miles

Walnut Shade to Gordonsville: 1,016 miles

Gordonsville to Walnut Shade: 1,016 miles

Walnut Shade to Gordonsville: 1,016 miles

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