I can't do this. I don't want to do this. I am not strong enough. And even if I were I almost refuse to be…for this. How can anyone ask me to be strong through this? Because they have no idea the depth of our love for one another. No one will ever understand but us. And now I am alone in this understanding.

Why is this happening? Haven't I been through enough? And now. To give me the most beautiful blessing just to rip it from my life. No warning. No time. Just like that he's gone.

Where's the higher purpose in that? Where's the conviction behind your decision to bring us together? Why am I bothering?

No matter how many times I ask, beg, plead, grovel you stand silent. Any concept of hope has been abruptly dismantled by your "plan". All my faith is gone.

I'm lost. I'm broken. I'm hollow. There is no pulse beating beneath my breast.

I am dead inside.

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