I was mediatating, praying and meditating the other morning and spirit hit me really hard. I knew it was a strong spirit so I asked it what it wanted. I then heard the spirit say "the four at the top of the stairs". I asked who I was talking to and spirit said "Jack". I asked Jack if he was one of the four and he showed me a hand pointing to the top of the stairs. I asked him who he was with and he said, "anibelle". I ask what he wanted and he showed me a sign of heaven. Jack was a wandering spirit that is between here and heaven in the spirit realm and he is with his family.

I did some research and found a local family where the dad's name was Jack, the wife Anibelle and they had two kids. I went back the next day to the top of the steps in the house and asked Jack about what I had found but they were gone. I am not sure if they were really in the house or just wandered by in the spiritual realm. I was having an extra strong day that day and seemed to picking up lots of spririt activity and with the massive power lines on our property that is like a major spirit highway. The power lines provide the power and energy for spirit to talk to me.

I will continue to see if Jack shows back up soon. I have had hundreds of spirits contact me in the last several months with most being breif visions or dreams showing me themselves or a sign. I often hear them, see them and pick up on their energy outside. Jack and his family are at the top of some stairs waiting for someone to help them get into the light.

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