I had a dream where my life long best friend and I were at a ballgame. I was down at the bottom of the bleachers in a gigantic stadium bigger than any I have ever seen in the world. The top row of the bleachers was probably about 2000 feet off the ground way up in the sky. I saw my best friends brother down at the bottom and asked him if his brother was at the game and he pointed to the very tip top corner and said he is way up there. I am not a fan of heights and knew it would take a long time to walk that far so I began to make the climb. As I walked very slowly towards the top I saw people I knew from the past and many of them were passed and gone.

I made it to the top and there sat my buddy all by himself just looking out across the scenary behind the stadium. The railing was missing so I asked him why he was sitting way up here and he looked at me and said "I love it up here, the view is awesome". I didn't want to look out over the ledge but he was correct, the view was phenomenal and breathtaking. All you could see was water, palm trees and beuatiful blue skies for miles and miles. The water was crystal clear and the palms just swayed in the wind as the breeze blew across the water. My buddy loves the beach and has spent alot of time there.

This beach was different and unlike anything on earth. It was beyond beautiful and you couldn't help but look at it and be in awe. I had been worrying about my best friend awhile now as he has struggled with somethings recently and just has not been himself. I told him it was awesome and I could see why he was sitting there watching the game and looking out at the view. He told me he needed the peace and I agreed. Then I saw his mom and she told me that she was with him always guarding over him and for him to fight to regain his power back.

My bud is a great big guy with a great big heart and it has been broken, messed up or bent. I know he can do it and the message I got was that he needed peace and understanding in his life. He will win this struggle with things. I woke up and wrote everything down and sent him a text. I told him I loved him and that I spoke with him in my dreams. I told him his mom who passed a few years ago was with him and rooting for him. He told me he was trying so please if you read this say a prayer for my friend so we can get him back on track as the man we all know he can be. Thanks and God Bless!

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