We are seeking another tenant. The one that we were going to rent to was a nightmare. We did his background check. It came back too short and two sweet. There were a few fraud statements that were made. This guy was a talker. My husband is a talker and I fact checked him in the beginning. I did a deeper background check on him. He had not made a single true statement during our meeting. My gut knew. I called him today and let him know that I knew that he was con artist.

So, we are recalling people and making appointments for next week. We believe that if you are very cautious, it will be better in the long. I have heard some heart breaking stories, I would love to give those families a chance. The cost to our family this year has been great righting the ship in this house. Honestly, we would lower the rent for the right family needing a hand up. They would need to have good references. We are considering such a family in our round of appointments.

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