Sermon @ 11:15 a.m., August 29, 2021: Something Touched Me Deep Inside ... the Day the Music Died

"A Jesus who weeps. A Jesus who calls us out of our hiding places. A Jesus who says, "I am going to meet you where you are" "I am going to stay with you tonight" is a Jesus who stands among us and tells us that grieving, that weeping is definitely about vulnerability and it isn't a sign of weakness or lack of faith but of strength an love. That grieving, that weeping is about being truly human and about being deeply moved by the genuinely hard and even tragic things that happen to all of us in life. About letting something touch us deep inside on those days when it feels like the music has died."

Sermon by Mike Kinman from worship at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, August 29, 2021 at All Saints Church, Pasadena. Readings: I Samuel 25:14–19, 23–25, 32–34, 42–43 and Luke 19:1–10. Read the text of the sermon here. View the entire 11:15 a.m. service for August 29, 2021, on YouTube. Follow along with the service leaflet here.

Sermon @ 1:00 p.m., August 29, 2021: Finales y comienzos  -- Endings and Beginnings

"Y es así, que después del domingo doce de septiembre, ya no tendremos un servicio religioso a la una de la tarde en la Iglesia de Todos los Santos… Y... seguiremos soñando con un nuevo y emocionante futuro... y espero que seas parte de ese sueño. Soñaremos con una nueva oportunidad de reunirnos para el servicio religioso en español. Soñaremos con nuevos maneras  para que los miembros latinos-hispanos de esta congregación reclamen el poder que es legítimamente suyo en el servicio religioso y en la vida de la iglesia. Soñaremos en grande y soñaremos juntos."

"And so, after Sunday, Sept. 12, we will no longer have a 1 pm service at All Saints Church… And … we will continue to dream of an exciting new future … and I hope you will be part of that dreaming. We will dream of a new opportunity to gather for Spanish language worship. We will dream of new ways for Latino-Hispanic members of this congregation to claim the power that is rightfully theirs in worship and in the life of the church. We will dream big, and we will dream together."

Sermon by Mike Kinman for bilingual Spanish/English Worship at All Saints Church, Pasadena at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 29, 2021. Readings: I Samuel 25:14–19, 23–25, 32–34, 42–43 y San Lucas 19:1–10. Read the text of the sermon here. View the entire 1:00 p.m. service for August 29, 2021, on YouTube. Follow along with the service leaflet here.

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