Since I am a person deep as the depth of the ocean I've decided to tell you a little about my views on creative writing and video recording this time. I've had many dreams but what I've always burned for was being creative. To find my way of expression was the complexity of all. Because creativity is not only the work done by hands. As my high school art teacher Kim said " Art is created in your mind. Now you just need to recreate it so it's visible to others".

Let's talk about visulisation. Before you even start sketching you probably at least once in your life made some scenarios in your mind. Then you shared with your classmates or co-workers and started sketching, making mockups and testing before you sat down to plan the step to step guide of the idea finalization. No matter if its recording, designing, painting or building houses. Creativity requires a iterativity during it's process. And so it is even with writing and recording and editing videos.

Let's not go around the bush anymore. Since about a year or so I've been thinking about writing my own book. At first I thought about writing a story based on true facts but after some time I thought why not just go with a biography or a guidebook. I've been thinking about my life, relationships, challenges and how I overcame them. I know many people have taken this route before but it does not mean I shouldn't try. I know a maybe can be foolish here but I will still go ahead with it. So maybe it will open a new route for me. I'm about to turn 28 years on March 16 next year. I'm not totally a youth but I don't consider myself a full fledged adult either. This world has so much to offer and I have so many emotions and thoughts to share with the world.

So you may wonder how do we start ? It's both easy and difficult. It's easy because you probably thought about the feelings you would like to awaken in the public but putting the words on the paper or more likely the computer screen is not easy.

So the tip I have for you is to start small. Think about the scenery and your characters then about the actions and features like sounds, smells, forms, tastes, movements. Then think about sections. Plan for a beginning, where the story unfolds, middle section, where the action reaches it's core and ending, where you round your story.

Before you go any further make sure to read your text a few times. If its too much leave it for a couple of hours or a day and look at it with fresh eyes. Don't make the writing process into a school assignment there you need to keep up with the deadline. Sometimes it's better to take more time than finish at once. I gurantee, you will make way less mistakes if you write for few days than end everything at once. Who knows you may even turn a simple story into a 300 pages long masterpiece.

When you plan for a video recording the process is about the same even though the tools vary. Before you begin you also need to think about the sections. The difference with filmmaking is that you need to think about every scene before you start recording. For an amateur it may not matter but a professional would take retakes until a satisfactionary result. Sometimes a weather change can result in delays then you need to either make changes in your script or change the locations, at times even greenscreen can help with some small touches on the scenery.

Nevertheless, there is a lot to learn about filmmaking and the use of creativity. But on the other side it's so much fun! I hope you will join me on my journey because other than preparing for publishing my own book I also have a filmproject with my sweetheart Ahad in the process. Stay tunned for more 😉👌. I gurantee, a Polish woman and a Pakistani man will make your life turn 360 degrees.

Until then peace✌ & love ❤.

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