I consider myself a writer. I adore words and sentence structure. I admire others who share their stories or create new ones.

However, I see a lot of people who I've grown to respect and look up to, share words and posts online that don't reflect the loving person I know they are.

Now, I am not openly sharing my specific "belief" on these current events. I am simply sharing what I experienced firsthand 16 years ago because I feel, in my heart, called to do so.

I went to an unnamed clinic to confirm a positive pregnancy test I took from a store. The clinic confirmed the positive test. What happened from there, I pray no one else ever experiences.

Prior to the clinic, I knew if it was positive, I was going to choose life for my child. I knew it was going to be extremely difficult at 17 to raise a child but to be honest, no one really knows what they're in for until they're a parent day after day.

The nurses and doctors at this clinic presented me with the result and handfuls of pamphlets about abortion. They highly suggested I get an abortion, gave me the low success rates for my future, the "devastating" effects of teen pregnancy, and to be honest, a whole bunch of bullshit.

Now, I was a quiet girl at 17. I don't think I ever lashed out in public, especially to someone I didn't know. Anger was an emotion I didn't show well. I sat on that medical exam room table, shutting them down from the second they TRIED to hand me the pamphlets. I said, "I know what I'm doing, am I all set to leave?"

They proceeded. They pressured. They bullied. They predicted. They made me extremely uncomfortable. To be honest, in my soul, I feel like they tried to brainwash me. Into a future and decision that wasn't theirs to make. I raised my voice. I got angry. I ended up storming out. Maybe it was the hormones or maybe it was the fact that a medical "professional" was telling me about my life and the life I was choosing for my son, without knowing a single thing about me.

There are a MILLION different situations that bring babies into this world. There are a MILLION different reasons that we make our own personal health decisions.

Doctors can lead us into complete healing but they can also lead us to make a decision that is against what we feel is right for our body and our soul. My 16 year old son (sarcastic yet the greatest joy of my life) always jokes with me saying, "Mom, what did you do to deserve such an amazing kid?"

Well, I fought. I fought back against the world. Against the statistics. Against the world telling me what was between me, my body, my God, and my unconditional love for you before I even knew you. The God who has led me through the real darkness of being a teen Mom and postpartum depression into the beauty of seeing how love never fails.

So, let me say this to everyone who is sharing online what they think is right for the person they don't truly know…

STOP judging them.
STOP saying YOU think they're selfish.
STOP assuming you know every angle of their decision.
STOP sharing what the news is telling you is "right."
STOP hating.

Make the best decision you can for you and your family. We are stronger then anger. We are wiser then hate. We are love. Be love. Share love. Just please, LOVE.

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