Photo credit: Vanity Fair

Six years ago when Caitlyn Jenner did that Vanity Fair cover coming out as a woman, I shared my disgust.

I want to apologize for my reaction now, because the issue was clearly mine and not hers. She was beyond brave to pose like she did, and people saying things like I did only served to throw a wet towel on the general progress she was making for humanity towards acceptance and inclusion.

With all the Met Gala photos recently and our feverish lust for something mindless to focus on, I've again seen the ugly side of societal judgement rearing its head.

One blogger posted a picture of Vera Wang in one of her artistic creations, and criticized her entire body of work. Vera Wang is 72 years old. She is fucking amazing. She could wear literally whatever and own every second of it. She has earned that right.

But wait. We all have that right. To wear what we want and what feels good.

Larger. Skinnier. Older. Younger.

Let's be wild. Let's be simple. Let's be comfortable. Let's be high fashion. Let's invent fashion.

Criticizing others for their fashion choices just highlights our own insecurities. They are doing what we're too scared to do.

So, girl, boy, man, woman, and anything in between… you'd better WORK.

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