Reposted from IEP

The world's largest youth employment mapping resource to date has been launched by Youth Futures Foundation.

Showing the global evidence base on what works to improve youth skills, employment and job quality, the new Youth Employment Evidence and Gap Map lays out nearly 400 studies that have been done around the world in the last two decades on the effectiveness of interventions to help young people into work.

Anna Smee, Chief Executive Officer at Youth Futures Foundation said; "The map is an easy way to search for and find relevant studies from across the world. With our partners at the Campbell Collaboration, we have produced 'easy read' summaries of all the studies, so that users can quickly assess their relevance and understand the results.

It's aimed at anyone helping young people to find meaningful employment. We hope it will be a useful tool to find where evidence exists and where there are gaps. There is a step-by-step guide on the Youth Futures website explaining how to get the most out of the map. This is just the first step towards building a better understanding of what works. We will update the map later in 2021 to include process evaluations that will shed light on how good practice interventions are being delivered. This will result in a combined Evidence and Implementation Issues Gap Map. We have already begun the process of filling gaps in the evidence base through our What Works Development & Impact programme, which will produce high quality evaluations of over 20 interventions with young people over the next three years."