Monday, September 20, 2021

Shutting Down that To-Do List in My Head

Hey read,

Do you ever feel like you just CANNOT get your brain to shut off?

During COVID, when everyone was at home all the time, I started to notice a pattern. My kids or husband would start a conversation with me and I would literally turn my back to them to finish whatever thing I was doing.

That felt terrible. Really terrible.

Since I noticed this I have made a real effort to turn. off. the. to-do. list.

The good news is: it works! I feel much more present with my family when I use these easy tactics to turn off what I call Getting Things Done Mode and turn on Connection Mode.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Side note: Of course, if you work from home it's good to have a system so people know when you aren't available. When my headset or earbuds are in, my family knows Do Not Disturb! But when I'm not working, I want to be available to them.

Do you have trouble slowing down and connecting with your family? What tricks have you found to help with the never-ending to do list? I would love to hear from you!


Beth @ Parent Lightly

PS. Be on the lookout for another Full Focus Planner giveaway coming soon! I can't wait!!

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