Halloween is just around the corner and if you are a working mom like myself, you probably waited until the last second to plan your annual trip to the pumpkin patch. Not to worry, there are still plenty of patches FULL of pumpkins to carve and fall photo ops to be had in Los Angeles & the surrounding areas. We just went to Underwood Family Farms in Moorpark. They are still open for their "Fall Harvest on the Farm" all this week. If you want to secure your entry, visit their website to book your online reservation. Below are a few quick tips to snag those great family pumpkin patch photos before it is too late!!!

  • Every family has a different dynamic and a "happy time". What is yours? Choose wisely, this could make or break your pumpkin patch experience.
  • My boys are the most cheerful & fun in the morning. We all have breakfast (my hubby's "hangry" is definitely something we want to avoid during family photos),  I then breastfeed our infant and then we hop in the car. Full bellies are a recipe for success.
  • My boys usually fall asleep in the car at that time. My hubby likes to call this short nap "powering-up". The second the car turns off - BOYS ARE IMMEDIATELY UP and raring to go. 
  • We always plan to head back home around their afternoon nap so the drive home is peaceful and easy. 


  • Keep it simple. Matchy, matchy is cute, but it can also end up being the main focus of your photo. Pick a color scheme and play with details and patterns within that scheme.
  • We choose to do a Halloween scheme for our pumpkin patch photos every year. 
  • This year I put the boys in a simple themed outfits from Target (I love their holiday lines from Cat & Jack or Carter's). They weren't identical but were made by the same designer so they meshed well together. 
  • My husband and I then had "basic" outfits with our favorite Halloween decals to coincide with our boys (which I made for us with our Cricut - DIY Cricut tips coming soon!!!). 


  • Again, keep it simple. Most pumpkin patches have these on hand. Wagons, wheelbarrows, haystacks, etc. 
  • Infants: I always bring a swaddle for any kind of baby photos. The one pictured below has been deemed our "Halloween Swaddle" from Aden and Anais. I've used it for three years in a row now! It has held up so well. Please, please, PLEASE do not lay your infant directly on hay. Their skin is SO sensitive and will cause discomfort and big wiggles.
  • USE THE PUMPKINS AT THE PATCH. I selected pumpkins and arranged them all around us. The more variety the better. Don't be afraid to do this, but be sure to put the pumpkins back if you start mixing sizes and pulling them away from their pricing group.


  • My hubby ALWAYS makes it a priority to have our toddler run around and play first. Trying to lock him into a specific activity so I can capture it on camera never works. This year when we arrived at the pumpkin patch our toddler froze at the entrance and said, "WHOA!" turned around to us and shouted out, "PUMPKINS!!!" and took off running with pure joy. Boy does he LOVE to run.


  • Take the time to walk around the entire patch and scout your "perfect" official photo spots. It is just like the process of picking your family pumpkin:
    1. SIZE: How many family members can fit in the area? Is this a solo shot? All kids? 
    2. SHAPE: What poses will you do in this spot? Will you all be seated, are there levels?
    3. COLOR: How is the lighting? Are there lots of shadows? Is the sun directly in your eye line? 
    4. CHARACTER: What is your background? Are there tons of people behind you? Lots of pumpkins? A cute sign? Get creative!
  • Once you have scouted the whole patch, let your creativity soar and pick your favorite spots!


  • I go to my first area and set up my shot. I take a few test shots to see if the exposure & focus is all lined up. Once I am ready, I call my hubby over to have my toddler play in the area I am stationed at (I am baby-wearing our infant during all of this prep as well!).
  • My hubby is a huge advocate of not forcing a photo. If my son isn't cooperating, we move on and come back to it later. These photos are supposed to remind you of the fun times you had, not the meltdown of tears from your toddler who refused to sit still and hold his baby brother.


  • Just let them play!!! These are the perfect times to capture candid photos. Some of our most special photos are from the true moments of pure fun!
  • The more and more you try to get an exact photo or pose, the less likely it will happen. We like to have our son play and I just snap away. Occasionally I'll have him "Show Momma the pumpkin" or have my hubby pretend to chase him, tickle him, carry him on his shoulders, these moments are so fun to capture.

8. GET IN FRONT OF THE LENS (Yes Momma, that means you!!!)

  • I can't emphasize this enough. Being a lover of photography, I rarely get photos of myself with the boys. I am usually the one taking them. I have started to make a habit to hand the camera over to my hubby and let him take the reins. He sees visions WAY different than I do, which has helped capture some pretty special moments. Trust your hubby and get in front of the camera.


  • We all know, we are on borrowed time with kids when it comes to photos. Organizing what shots you want is always smart. I would even go as far as to make a list (mom-brain is a thing, I seem to be losing a bit more of my mind with each kid)
    • Walking & searching through pumpkins
    • Riding in the wagon or wheelbarrow
    • Hugging or lifting pumpkins
    • Laying on swaddle in-between pumpkins
    • Riding in wheelbarrow or wagon
    • Sitting up against pumpkins
    • Take photos with each kid separately, make it a special moment for them. They will want their moment with Mom and Dad.
    • Each parent with all kiddos
    • Playing in pumpkins
    • Helping the kids lift pumpkins
    • Cuddles at the patch
    • We set our full family photos up via tripod and self-timer. Take A TON. The blinking and wiggle struggle is SO REAL. We make a fun game out of it with our kids. We shout the countdown (try to do at least 10 seconds, you will need a moment to get organized, especially if you are the one running back to the pose.) I make it a point to run back to them animated and they LOVE it. My hubby will tickle our toddler and make funny faces at our infant and will magically create great moments out of them. Our toddler always says "One more picture please" once the shutter clicks and we go back and forth for some time. We capture memorable photos this way.


  • When it comes to kids, the best advice we have is to just keep snapping those photos. Kids move, blink, shout at a rapid pace. That perfect picture moment we all are trying to get is over in a flash. You can always go back and delete the excess photos later (I never do this, even if they are TERRIBLE...I can't seem to let go of any photos)

We hope these quick tips help you capture your family traditions this fall season. We sure love looking back on each year to see how much we have grown as a family. These moments will be cherish forever. Time moves way too fast with kids. I totally agree when they say the days are long, but the years are short.

XO, The Hansens