It's not, just, the individuals' faults here, the GOVERNMENT is what's to, BLAME!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

More than forty employees of High-Speed Rail Company were suspected of falsifying themselves as third group of employees to get their second doses of Moderna vaccines when they're the seventh group, went from Taichung southbound to Kaohsiung to get their second doses, it was, shocking to everybody.  Actually the receiving, the gaining of the MERS-CoV vaccines in Taiwan had long before, a comedy already, this was, only, a "turn" in the story.

And so, why are this group of people so hurried to get their second doses?  Because after they had their firsts, they'd become, "Moderna orphans", not known where their second doses are, and so, they can only, save themselves.  The standard period between the Moderna vaccinations are eight weeks apart, but because of a lacking in supply, the W.H.O. advised the term being extended to twelve weeks, and, many of them had already, exceeded the dates, or course they're all worried the vaccines losing its, effects.  Actually, the elongated time between the doses of mRNA vaccines, had not yet been, prove, and we can only assume, that the protection is still, intact.

situation in this country, since the very start of the outbreaks from, last year! Photo from online

If Moderna is short on supply, then, the best working situation is using BioNTech as the second doses, but the command centers allowed the adolescents to have their first vaccinations in BioNTech, this was, the only precedence in the world!  The W.H.O. already suggested, to let the high-risk group get fully vaccinated first, then, start on the adolescents, but Taiwan had gone against the normal.  In reality, there are the risks of myocarditis for teens receiving the BioNTech vaccines, this was considered heightened risk in Great Britain which had over ten thousand new cases of contractions currently, and surely, it's even greater here in Taiwan, considering the number of total population.

Those who broken the rules, could breach the appointment system of the hospitals, and gotten their shots, it's because the orders of the vaccinations here, are the MOST complex of the world, nobody can get it.  The international ways are easy, after the frontline hospital workers received theirs, then, from the elderly population, to younger, because the primary risk factor is age, this not only fitted to the scientific, but also, simplified the managements of the vaccines.  The shipments arriving in are lagging behind, the orders of vaccinations, not set up correctly, surely, there would be, holes that people are trying to get into in this.  From the Hearts & Livers Foundation case, to now, the employees of the high-speed rail, they were originally, law-abiding, citizens, but, because of the bad policies from the vaccine orders, and not enough in supplies, in the panic, they can only, get themselves to the ground, and behaved badly.

Because of the numerous types of persons, it'd caused the platform of appointment to have, too many holes, for instance, first to third types, there are the rosters made for their vaccinations, for the rest, we'd had to sign up online, and because the elderly population may not be agile in using the online appointment systems, the heads of the boroughs passed out the registry forms, too hard for it to not become, too, messy.  In other countries, before the vaccinations, it's united that people get registered online, receiving their vaccination slips, then, they would make the appointments for vaccinations, one set of systems, one set of procedures.

Last year, Taiwan had passed up the chances of buying the shipments of BioNTech, but because the outbreaks hadn't hit hard enough yet, it'd, passed up the opportunities, and by May when the outbreaks exploded, the country's hurrying to buy more was, way too late, so the government can only, push forth the nation's own "homegrown" vaccines, but the people don't buy it, and it still didn't resolve the shortages of vaccines available to us.  Thankfully, because most of us abided by the rules, using the non-medical means to block off the Alpha and the Delta strands.

Currently, based off of how it's going, it's a low risk that someone contracts MERS-CoV in this country, the people don't need to panic and start fighting over the limited supplies of vaccines.  As BioNTech's first round through all the age groups, the mixing of the vaccinations should be allowed, to have the flexibilities of usages of vaccines.  And the platforms for the registering needed to be unified too, using the computer as the gatekeeper, to separate the registration and the actual vaccination proceedings, instead of letting it up to get evaluated by the hospitals individually, that way, it will, reduce the scams.

So, there's not just, that faulty registry system at work, but the shortages of vaccine availabilities, and the government still waiting on the AFFIRMATIVE results of mixing and matching the vaccines work, and that'll take???  Exactly, and during this wait, more will die, and it's still the god damn government's faults, for NOT giving WE the people enough vaccines, for setting up this, bullshitting platform for registering for, and to actually sign UP for the vaccines.  And, due to this bad programming of the systems, MORE are gonna, D-I-E, because, apparently, the government WANTS to reduce the problems of OVERPOPULATION in this big old world we all reside in…

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