WOW, October is almost over. I feel like the month just started and now its gone. We have been very busy with camping trips, visits with my mom, pumpkin patches, visitors at the house, and planning for the holidays. I feel like I have not had time to just relax this month. Maybe in January, I can relax. LOL.

We went camping again at the being of October. We went to our favorite place, Jubilee lake. It is so peaceful there and with the camper, it wasn't that cold. We enjoyed campfires, the kids got to run and play, we had good food, and enjoyed our time together as a family. I got to spend that time working on my school work and reading my book. I started the book that weekend and almost finished it before we had to go home. It rained a couple of times. The last day we were there was the worst. It rained pretty much that whole day.

After camping the girls and I went to my mom's on Friday and Saturday. We got to enjoy the time with her, visit with my grandpa, and she took the girls and me to the pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch had reindeer which I thought was pretty cool.

Last weekend my in-laws came up to visit. we went to a Christopherson pumpkin patch which is a low-key small event. they have a couple of things there for the kids to do. pumpkins to pick from and a small corn maze for the kids to go through.

We did a fun art project as a family and then we got to carve our pumpkins. The girls did a great job working on their pumpkins there were a few of them, H had 3 pumpkins, and C and 2. H shared one of hers with daddy since she had 3.

C also got to participate in the school spirit week with me, and she did pumpkin on parade. She did her own pumpkin and made it into harry potter she worked very hard on this and did a great job! I'll post about spirit week after Halloween. I love that this month is going quickly and had been full of fun things for us to do.

We are trying to get back to normal but still being safe. It is a small step but it is something that we are working towards. Some day covid will be less contagious, Someday we won't need to wear a mask, or sanitize every time we touch things (thought the sanitizing and washing our hands will probably continue).