The crimes of invasion of privacy, committed, by a, court judge, on his, fellow, female, coworker here, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Criminal Court judge, Tsai of Taoyuan District Court systems was found secretly filming the private conversation on the female coworker, Tseng's and her photos, caused the news media to take note; Tseng pressed charges on him, the Taoyuan District Court found Tsai guilty of obstruction of secret, sentenced him to five months in prison, Tsai and the D.A. prosecuting the case both filed for appeals, the Highest Court of Taiwan tossed both appeals back, case settled.

The justice system had suspended Tsai since this May in written order.  The case was reviewed by the evaluation board committee members, and they'd decided to send the case to the duties courts, and recommended that Tsai be taken off his post, this was the new judge laws of July 17th last year, the very first case of impeachment that didn't go through the Examination Department, and sent straight to the duties courts to try.

The Regulation of Judgeship Article 42 states "the judges who had been found guilty of a jail sentence, who'd damaged the reputation of judgeship" can be relieved of duty.  The legal realm believed, that Tsai was sentenced, and unless his behavior of secretly filming the female judge "didn't make the position of judge undignified", otherwise, he would've lost his job as a court judge.

Tseng, the female judge's families has medical needs, Tsai introduced her to a legal adviser of a hospital, Wu, not known that both Tseng and Wu were both single, on May 25th of last, he was sitting alone in the office, and saw Wu's message to Tseng, popping up from LINE, referring to her as "honey", and there were the photos of intimacy of both, mistakenly thought the two were having an extramarital affair, and, took the shot of the screen, and, reported it to the Taoyuan District Court's court manager.

As Tseng was called in, she'd found that Tsai took the screen shot of her computer, that he'd set up the micro webcam, and shot her talking in private with Tsai.  Taoyuan District Court found Tsai guilty of two counts of obstruction of secret, gave him five months, and he can pay a fee and not serve the time.

As the High Courts was in session, Tseng cried, and told that she wishes she could kill the "self that forgot to turn off her computer", then none of this would've, happened.  The High Courts believed, that the victim started having symptoms of anxiety, insomnia; on the surfaces, Tsai had admitted to what he'd done, but, not told of what happened in sum, that it was hard to confirm, that he'd, learned his lessons from the events.

And this would be, another, INVASION of privacy, committed by a court judge, and, as he'd found that the woman was having the intimate conversation with the man he'd introduced her to, he probably felt proud of himself, for catching her cheating, not known, that she's single and so was the man he'd introduced her to, and, it got him in trouble.

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