If you want to keep yourself safe…

You have to cut all your ties with them…

They're dangerous.

"Lin?! Lin, can you hear me!? Oh god…."

Please, Lin...You have to survive…"

You quickly sat up as you were startled awake in a cold sweat. Rubbing at your face with a soft groan, your mind drifted back to the vivid dream that had awoken you. It was quite odd - the last time you had dreams like that, you were five years old and your parents had just abandoned you.

"Why am I dreaming about….her again?" You shook off the thought and decided to look around to distract yourself, figuring that you could contemplate the dream later. As you studied your surroundings, it dawned on you that you weren't in your bedroom and also wearing an oversized tee, which was…..not yours.

Just as you were about to panic, you noticed a framed photograph on the desk next to the bed you were in. Upon closer inspection, you recognized the younger faces of you and Tae, sitting on a swing set and smiling happily.

You sighed in relief as you realized that you were in Taehyung's house. However, you were baffled on how you got here. The last thing you remember was running home after….that. Did anything else happen?

When the door creaked open, you instantly turned and saw Taehyung entering with a tray of food. He still looked gloomy compared to usual, so you wanted to ask him about it.

"Good morning, Tae."

Taehyung's stare was firm, "Good morning…... Lin."

You silently watched Taehyung as he placed the tray in front of you. You remembered when you were running home last night, you had tried to contact him. However, he ignored all your calls as if he was….avoiding you.

Taehyung had never behaved in this manner toward you before, and you had no idea what to do. You decided that the best thing to do was to speak to him, but you were concerned that he would be uncomfortable, particularly when it came to Jihoon.

"Eat up, Lin. You were really shaken up last night."

"Shaken up? What happened last night?" You asked with a vast, unsure gaze.

Taehyung looks up at you in confusion, "You don't remember?"

You looked down at your food and poked at it while shaking your head. You wondered why you were tending to forget things quite easily - normally, your memory was as sharp as a razor.

Taehyung sat next to you and quietly watched you eat. He sighed profoundly, but you didn't know if it was out of frustration or relief.

"I ran into you on the way home yesterday. You were hysterical, Lin. You told me about what happened to you while you were walking, then you just...fainted."

"I...I fainted?"

"I was surprised too, Lin, since you aren't the kind of person who faints. Before you did, you told me that you were too scared to be alone. So, I brought you here."

You blinked and took in Taehyung's words. If you didn't want to be alone, that meant that the two of you had shared the bed again. You couldn't help but smile at the fact that Taehyung was always there to take care of you.

Then you came to a realization. You connected all of Taehyung's statements. He's the one who put you to bed and changed your clothes. Because it was Tae's shirt, you saw it was overly big when you glanced at it.

"Taehyung, did you…?"

Taehyung saw how you gestured towards your shirt with wide eyes and looked away. You knew that the situation had flustered him. Seeing each other bare was fine when you were both kids, but not now...it was just a little bit weird.

"I didn't want you to sleep in what you were wearing, Lin, and it would have been too hot for you. I'm not a pervert, okay? You know me."

Having finished your food, you silently moved the empty tray to the desk next to you before you swiftly smacked Taehyung's head with a pillow. You couldn't help but to laugh at his surprised expression and continued hitting him, wanting to break the heavy tension between you two.

Taehyung froze for a moment, then realized what you were up to and decided to join in. He grabbed another pillow and began hitting you as well, causing laughter and a flurry of flying feathers.

After a few minutes of pillow fighting, Taehyung tripped and fell on top of you, pinning you to the bed by accident. Both of you froze, your gazes locking onto each other as time seemed to come to a halt for you.

You were feeling something, but you couldn't describe what it was. All you knew was that your heart was beating fast and you could practically hear it pounding in your ears, and that this situation was making you sweat profusely, your palms becoming clammy. Taehyung, on the other hand, looked shocked as he stared down at you, eyes wide.


The silence was suffocating you, and you were glad that Taehyung broke it. At the same time, you were utterly nervous. What was he going to say? What if he starts hating you? What if he---

"I….I'm sorry, Lin. I know I've been giving you the cold shoulder lately. I have no excuses...all I ask is for you to forgive me..."

It took a few moments for you to process what he had said, leaving you frozen there awkwardly. When you came back to your senses, you laughed and flicked his forehead. Taehyung shrieked, which made your laugh become more boisterous.

"It's alright, Tae! Of course I forgive you! Why wouldn't I? After all, you are my best friend."

"Yeah….yeah, best friend. Thanks, Lin. I'm glad you understand….So, shouldn't we get ready for school?"

You nod your head. However, it felt like an eternity as you continued to lay on the bed, without Taehyung moving off of you.

"Um, Tae, do you mind?" Taehyung felt you pushing at his chest and finally decided to get up.

After Taehyung moved over, you got up and headed towards the bathroom to shower. Meanwhile, Taehyung sat there on the bed, contemplating. He laughed to himself and shook his head, the situation on his mind somehow amusing.

"Best friend….why do those two words hurt me so much, Lin?"

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