The head director of the environmental science of N.T.U. on the matter of global warming, the energy crises, and it's still all because we humans, are, still RAPING mother nature, and she's, starting, to unleash her anger out onto, this globe here, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

In the lecture of Human Evolution, I have this slide: a female bonobo, holding her child, on the canopy, looking, fearfully, at the large eagle that's, circling over her head, and that eagle started, diving down.  Based off of the written records of the archaeologist, this eagle successfully, caught the young bonobo, and took it back into the cave that it lives in, then, used the sharpened beak, killed the baby bonobo……………The skull of this baby bonobo was discovered 2.8 million years later, in South Africa.  It, is nothing small, because, its skull, its teeth, resembled that of, the modern day man, it was named, "Baby Don", only about three years of age, because the origins of Australopithecus, the first of the upright animals.  It is, the distant ancestor of man.

what we are leaving, for the next generations to come...

drawing from online

And, "Baby Don" never reproduced, but, his siblings' offspring had quietly, left the canopies of Africa, and set foot onto the plains of Africa, and, tilted out their heads in the plains, to find the berries, and the small animals to hunt for food.  They came to the canyon, sat on the ground, banged the rocks, made the hatchets, split apart the deer and the rabbit then caught, separating the meats from the furs.  This was from 2.5 million years ago, because they knew to make and use the tools, they got away, from the beast level of the Australopithecus, and became, Homo habilis, the very first man.  And the world got its, first, civilization.

It isn't natural, that man came out of the African horizons; they came down from the treetops, because the weather turned cold and dry, the forests vanished, the plains expanded, they had to, climb down from the trees, and start walking, upright.  With the northern peaks started accumulating the snow, and even farther up north the North Pole had the glaciers; the glaciers cycled once every 400,000 years, the ancestors of man, Australopithecus and Homo erectus lived in the cycles of the ice and snow, the cause of the evolution is said to be the glaciers.  Humans are, children of the ice and snow.

Two million years later, southwest of Beijing, there was, a place called "cave", if at night, looking far into that shadowy hilltop, you will see some light, it's, the barbecue the Homo erectus pekinensis, also, the warmth of the fires that keep them warm at night; if there's a moon rising up, you will know, that the barbecue history of Mid-Autumn Festival had been set since half a million years ago.  Fire is a blessing to man, and a weapon too.

And this fire, it'd, burned too quickly.  The earliest of man burned up the logs, the cow dungs.  Two hundred fifty years ago, we'd started, burning up the coal, which brought the Industrial Revolution.  A hundred fifty years ago, we'd started, mining for the crude oils, the minerals were dug up from the depth of the earth, and burned up like crazy, the carbon emissions hike up too high, the globe started heating up, the forests in Alaska started getting burned down, with the animals, getting incinerated by the fires.  Some of the humans tried to save it, called out the goal of no carbon emissions by 2050.  Another group hollered, "global warming is a hoax".  And, they started arguing on the global weather summits, and the arguing had been going on for decades to date.

We are a process, also, that, final, destination; on the epitaph of man: "we love the planet, but the planet, won't fit us all".

And so, this is how this is going, with global warming taking ITS, adverse effects, on man, as we developed all those, things, because we need them, the energy, that we can't, get enough of, as summers in the world gets, hotter and hotter, and hotter than before, and the seasons of summer lasting, longer too, and, this is still, a vicious cycle that we have, no way of, getting our selves out of, because, we need to be comfortable, with the A-C blasting, the heater on when it's, too cold, and we use electricity every single day, leaving those lights out in the hallways on, even WHEN nobody's there, and these, are only, tiny bits and pieces (not talking about the greater yet!) of how we can, and will continue to, RAPE Mother Nature, no WONDER she's starting to, get PISSED off, and unleashing her angers right now, take a look at the records of storms, don't tell me that you don't see a huge increase of typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes increasing, compared to, just last decade!

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