Have you ever noticed that we really hold God to the big things and forget all the essential "little" things He does for us on a daily basis?

Or that maybe, we think the bigger the blessing the less likely God will oblige our wants/dreams.

As Christians we often settle for less and call it humility instead of believing God truly does want to bless us—His children!

"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7:11)

Love at its core is sacrificial. When you love someone you sacrifice your time, energy, and resources ($$). That is why we have so many 'giving' holidays—we love to bless those we love!

How much more does God want to bless us? Hasn't He already given His only Son? That is the greatest blessing He could give and He did so freely when we were still lost! So is it really so wrong to ask Him for things?

There are circumstances when God's answer is "not yet." But understand that He cares about what you care about—and He also knows what's best for you.

Some blessings can easily become a curse if they are given prematurely. Sometimes we aren't ready to receive them. And if we aren't ready to receive how can we hope to keep them?

A job promotion (at work or church)...A winning lottery ticket...A new house/car...A inheritance...all things that can backfire if mishandled.

"...70 percent of lotto winners lose or spend all that money in five years or less." (Readers Digest)

I don't know about you, but there have been many times in my life I thought I was ready for something, was forced to wait, and then realized that it was God's timing that saved me from a world of heartache.

I remember falling in love with boy and asking God to be able to marry him—turns out He had someone far better in mind for me. And I can remember the first time I tried to serve in our old church Kids ministry and just wasn't cut out for it. Turns out God wanted me to learn and grow, gaining experience until one day I was "cut out" and even anointed to do it excellently.

God's blessings and promotions have always been right on time. And He has even given me things just to show how good and invested in our lives and interests He really is.

He's spontaneous like a lover after His Bride's heart. It has always been these little blessings that amaze me most because they prove God is personal, thoughtful, and involved in our lives.

I'll give you one of many examples of how God drops these little blessings into my day-to-day:

I'm a big Star Trek fan, and I've been longing for some more books to read. In fact, I've had a list saved on Amazon for some time—just sitting there because I didn't want to selfishly spend so much on them new.

Our local library started a book market and I figured I'd stop in and find some books for my son (secretly hoping to find at least one good Star Trek novel). When I got there I gravitated toward the sci-fi section and gaped at the huge row of donated Star Trek novels, hardback, and many of the ones I wanted to read.

I came home with a huge box full as well as a few books for my son (one is is favorite right now) all dirt cheap.

Little blessings or divine appointments like this happen all the time. The moment I think of something I need or really want—it suddenly becomes available to me in ways that make me smile to the heavens in thanks.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that God knows you. He wants to give you good gifts and pour out His love upon you. All you need to do is believe, position yourself to receive, and wait.

And remember that you are blessed by God already. He gave you His own Son. The breath of life. And so much more....

Many of the gifts God gives me, such as my stash of Star Trek books, will fade away to dust. But the everlasting gift of salvation through His Son, will never fade and cannot be stolen from you.

Only you can give that away.

So count your blessings, no matter how dark this world gets, no matter what you see happening in the world around you during these uncertain times...count your blessings. Remember who you are, what you are here to do, and the everlasting home you will return to someday.

Praise Him, our Good Father, day and night...let your first and last prayer be that of praise and thanksgiving. Amen!

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