Today was my birthday and it went good. Got a lot of wishes and blessings and the day went well. I did not celebrated my birthday with my friends because I don't like people smashing cakes on my face or anyone's face for that matter. Some people go beyond cake smashing they throw eggs, some put flour on face and n number of things are done. I feel its a waste of food and by doing that we are actually disrespecting people who can't even afford proper meal in a day.

I was just wondering when did all this started, why smashing cake on birthdays become cool. I feel it is somewhere related to "Entitlement", people feel by doing this, they will get acceptance in a the society as "Cool guys".

If it is not entitlement, it is a way of enjoying then we should really stop this way. Anyone should look good on his/her birthday, nobody should look like a piece of shit. It is what it is.

So today's learning: "If you can't offer food to needy, at least try to not waste it."

Have a Great Day

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