The goats, and I, are delighted. More sunflower stalks and morning glory vines for them as I slowly clean up one section of a fence at a time. And, I found my most beloved hand rake!

While removing a patch of sunflowers I looked down and there it was--laying on the other side of a small 12 inch high fence, just out of sight. Last spring, while planting, I lost it. It seemed like it was there one minute, gone the next. I searched and searched, retracing my steps, even going so far as to run my hands through the grass while crawling on hands and knees. It had, seemingly, vanished into thin air.

I was annoyed not only because it's my best tool but because my biggest pet peeve is my children losing my tools. I have ranted and raved at every one of them for this unforgivable crime. Then I went and did it myself.

I'm guessing that I, foolishly, balanced the tool on the top of the little fence and it toppled out of sight when I wasn't looking. Then it lay there quietly, all season long, waiting to be discovered. It gave me immense satisfaction to hang it on the peg that has remained forlornly empty all summer. Now I'm ready for winter.

The flowers, though, are convinced there is still plenty of reason to keep blooming brightly. Long may they last.