The Annunciation
Fruit of the Mystery: Humility

The True Joy of Motherhood

by Alexandria DeRose CRNP, MSN

I absolutely love this mystery of the rosary, it is perhaps, my favorite. Mary's fiat in the annunciation has grown to mean so much more to me through my own motherhood. As a mom of four small children, I think of how I give my own, small fiat on a daily basis.

The "yes" to interruptions in prayer, the "yes" in the middle of the night, the "yes" in simply being there for my children and their needs throughout the day.

When I think of Mary's words, "let it be done to me according to Your word," I think of her receptivity to God's will in her life, and of her humility to accepting things she didn't understand. So much of my motherhood journey has been unexpected.

The decision to temporarily leave a career to be home with my children was unexpected, as was my decision to homeschool! Both decisions have humbled me in recognizing that God's plans are always better than mine.

I pray that we, as mothers continue trusting in the Lord throughout the small moments of our days with our children.

Alexandria Derose

Just yesterday, my four boys and I went grocery shopping in the middle of an ordinary day. As a new mom, I honestly used to be embarrassed to be caught at the store in the middle of the day with children! Did I not have somewhere else more professional or better to be?

As more children have come, they've humbled me all the more. I happily brought my four boys with me to the check out line, and an elderly woman approached us, "Oh wow, your house must be so loud and obnoxious with those 4 boys. I know children today, they run everything."

I simply smiled at my happy boys, "Oh yes, it can be loud," I said, "but they are wonderful boys and they help their mom a lot!" "How wonderful!" she said, "you don't see that often these days." It was a small moment of humility, recognizing the impact of my motherhood and my little "fiats" throughout the day.

Yes, in every motherhood journey, there are seasons of exhaustion, confusion, emotional turmoil and hardships. But thinking of Our Lady, giving her "fait," in the annunciation, not expecting the fruits of what would become from it, is what always keeps me going.

I pray that we, as mothers continue trusting in the Lord throughout the small moments of our days with our children. It's the most beautiful and humbling experience. And what leads to the true joy of motherhood.

About Alex: (Founder of Joy Mama Blog) Raised a cradle Catholic, oldest of 8 children, I met my husband on CatholicMatch 9 years ago, as a senior in college. We fell in love at first chat and married 11 months later. Nick owns a production company, Visual Rose Films, creating cinematic weddings & more! We live in our Pennsylvania-modern-dream home where I homeschool our boys, Nicholas, Dominic, Anthony and Andrew! Through this past decade, I've pursued many paths as I struggled to balance my career ambitions as a modern Catholic woman. For now, God has called me primarily in the home, where I use the Internet as a means of modern connection & evangelization! I'm passionate about cultivating the joy of the gospel & encouraging women to do the same, right where they are, through my resources, workbooks, & joyful tips for mind, body & soul.