Used a butter knife to shape the designs on this homemade apple pie.

Oh, how I love apples! My sense of smell is lost in the aroma of cooking apples. Not only does the aroma tickles my nose, but the savoring juices are a relish to my mouth.

I have fond memories of picking apples and then creating delicacies from this sweet fruit. Days would be spent making jelly, jams, applesauce, apple butter, and the ever so delicious baked goods. Overtime, I learned to substitute recipe ingredients with applesauce.

In answer to the question: does making pies make one happy and contented with the home? I concur with Austen's quote. I acquire gratification in making pies and other goodies for others' enjoyment. A small treat soothes the soul and the weary. Tranquility is found in that moment of eating a warm slice as the worries melt away.

Does your body relax while eating a pleasurable delight? My answer is a BIG yes.

The following is a grated apple pie recipe from my late mother-in-law.

frozen pie crust or homemade, (I always make mine.)

2 cups grated apples

1 stick of butter (melted)

1 egg (beaten well)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grate apples and drain off juice to avoid over bubbling. Set aside. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Add butter and egg. Slowly mix in grated apple.

Pour onto pie crust. Bake till the crust is bubbly and brown. I usually allow mine to bake for at least 50 to 60 minutes.

If you choose to make the pie crust, the ingredients are also listed.

2 cups of all purpose flour

extra flour for rolling dough

2/3 cups of shortening

1 tsp of salt

cold water with added ice cubes to keep water cold as the dough is being made

Having difficulty loading any videos that I made in making the crust and apple filling. I am going to publish this post so everyone can enjoy the pie during the fall season.