I have shared before how this year has been a little bit challenging for us. Thankfully, we are doing well but unfortunately have had to accept multiple circumstances that have been painful and disappointing, while still having to handle our day-to-day responsibilities. That made it more of a struggle, because it made the mourning of missed opportunities even longer. I realized that it is not one specific aspect of life that is hard, but just life overall.
Think of your career trajectory. You had to go through training, which had its challenges. Then you had to find a job, which can also be a challenge. Once you have the role, you have to work to excel in order to keep the post and be able to move up.
Think of your relationships. We play a game of being ourselves and being who others want us to be in order to keep the peace, like eating what your mother makes you and staying out late even though it keeps her up. Only when we butt heads, which is not pleasant, and can healthily resolve it, will the relationship grow. We forgive, change, and learn to live with each other's individualities in love and others learn to live with ours.
Think about your desires. You might want a career, a relationship, a community, a place of your own, you name it. Most of the times, getting it isn't easy; it can take a lifetime to accomplish something that has been in our heart from our young years. Then of course keeping it in a good state isn't easy either. You have to give it maintenance regularly in order to help it stay in pristine shape.
You have to do work, and work is hard.
It is important to recognize what is hard so we can handle it appropriately. Instead of thinking that parenting is hard, understanding that what is hard is putting the effort into it again and again will help me have a better attitude towards my daughter because I can now see it as a process. When I realize that my career will always require the extra attention, I can organize myself to balance the load and plan for things that will give me an advantage.
Life is work. There is always effort needed in order to move forward to another stage, which is inevitable because life doesn't stop. Some of us have had to work less, and others more. Some of us have had to work for every single material thing we own, while others have had to work overtime to be emotionally healthy. It is a combination of needs that when brought together can help us cover the empty spots in each other.
Viewing life from the lens that it requires effort will give you more strength to carry on because you already know what the expectations are. Hoping for life to be a drive down the boulevard is expecting for nothing to cost us, and life isn't free. So for those of us having a really hard time, I leave you with this:
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26
For those of us enjoying the ride with the windows down, I leave you with this.
"But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."
Luke 11:28
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