Judgement as in decision making. As a nurse your judgement can be questioned quite often or people phrase their concern in a way that you know they don't agree with your nursing judgment. I went to nursing school and worked so very hard for my license. They were probably the most difficult 2 and half years of college. I sure as hell don't want to lose that license. When I'm at work I'm making nursing judgements all the time. There are times I have to explain myself and that's ok I have information that the other person doesn't have. I have education that the other person doesn't have. We have many medically fragile students at the school where I work. Sometimes situations arise concerning students who are not medically fragile and nursing judgements are made. Sometimes they make sense to the staff, sometimes we have to explain ourselves. It's difficult some days. To have to explain why you are or are not doing what other people think you should be doing.

It's been my experience that one needs somewhat of a thick skin to be a nurse. And you need to be able to stand by your assessment of the situation and then your judgement of what actions to take or not take. I'm very happy where I work, but that's not to say my judgement isn't questioned, by parents and by other school staff. It's especially difficult when a parent disagrees with my judgment call, a decision that is made with the best interest of their child in mind. The parents of my students do not have it easy. I know that first hand from raising Thomas. But there are times when my judgement call disturbs their day. And that I can't help. Thankfully I've only met resistance with a scattered few parents. It's not the norm. I've had a lot of pleasant interactions with parents who live tough lives. And they know I care about their child. Every now and then I'll tell a parent about Thomas, that he is special needs, so they know when I say, "I get it, I understand" I really mean it.

I think back to when I even first applied for my job. I knew it would be special education and medically fragile students. I almost didn't hit the submit your resume button. I hemmed and hawed a little. But to be honest I felt I was doing what God wanted me to do. That He was behind me, so I hit submit.

Little did I know what a ride this job would be. No two days are the same. And being busy one day means something totally different when I'm busy the next day. I'm thankful I get to work where I am. I was supposed to work in Manhattan and I was ok with that at the time. Who knew I'd be fortunate to work 15 minutes from my house. It's all in God's hands. It's been in His hands from the start.
