We were on a road trip to finally inspect the work that the new renters have done on the rental and make sure they paid the rent as agreed. My phone rang at 4 a.m. Those calls are never good. My mother was in medical crisis. Her physial health has stablized. Cognitively, she was impaired. I have a social services background and I instructed that no one take her home. It was the best decision to keep her safe.

It is terrifying to see rapid cognitive decline in your parent. I am goint to discuss how cultural beliefs and education can collide. My first thoughts were she is on her death bed. My education lead me to explore that this is a brain issue. I made lists of all the behavior changes over the last two years. Many we chalked up this is just mom.

Yesterday broke me. My mom asked me, "It's good to shower everyday, right? She had such a small voice. She was manically texting under one under the sun. She was so confused about so many things. Today, she was watching westerns and talking with her dead husband. Her affect was so flat and she was so distracted she couldn't attend to our conversation. I sat down and explained to my teens that my mother's brain dying before her body. I spend the day crying yesterday after I did the children's lessons with them. I sobbed uncontrollably this morning.

I fear the rambling conversations we had yesterday may be closest I may experience with my mother.


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