I posted this yesterday on Facebook and I got so much encouragement and kind words that it motivated me to just cowgirl up and do it. 

Facebook post:

Y'all, I have been contemplating something for a long time and struggling with it and praying about it. Now I will ask Y'all.  No, my kids do not need to comment because I know exactly what it will be. So hush. 😅

I have been wanting to start a YouTube channel. Yes, you heard me. Don't laugh. I know where you live. 

Last summer I did a bunch of canning videos and gardening videos. I felt like I could share some things I have learned over the years to help someone else. I have had alot of my blog friends that follow our farm blog encourage me and ask me to do one. It sparked. 

I am an amateur and have no clue what to do. All I know to do is talk. 😁. I already talk to myself and the walls around here so why not? I am out of my comfort zone because I can get so nervous in front of people that I want to 🤮. So I'm struggling. Talking to a camera is different.  It's just you and it. 

I love to help people and I feel like I can share alot. 😌  So......what do Y'all think?

So with that being said,  I created a YouTube channel.. go to YouTube and look me up under Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms and I have uploaded my first video.  I have one more in progress. 

If you like it,  subscribe and hit the like button. 👍 

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