I have read many blogs condoning Stat-Checking, as it defeats the purpose of blogging. Blogging is supposed to be for oneself. In reality, however, that is false. The things we do for ourselves, and not for others, are eating, drinking, sleeping, self-improving... and so on. Blogging is most deifintely not to be categorized by Just-For-Oneself. That is like public speaking to yourself. Standing in front of the mirror and reading your pages of hard work and months of effort. Useless.

Journalling is for yourself. And for the sneaky family members who can't seem to understand the tiny print that says, If you can read this, you are too close. Blogging is not the same. It is for yourself, and an audience. Without either, it doesn't exist. Don't believe the myths.

What my week was like, how was yours?

This is real life. This is blogging without views. Listen to your gut, lady. Give up. The scattered views earlier were from the hours I spent sifting through blogs and commenting. It brought a few one-timers around for a hit second. Now, when life got incredibly busy, I'm missing the drive to share my precious words. Or rather, WRITE. Sharing requires a listener.

I'm thinking I should take the little bit of writing strength and send articles to publications. At least someone will see me... Hear me. I will exist. I really wanted to blog, but it seems to be a waste. A podcast is definitely more fitting, but I need to buy stuff. And I don't have spending money right now.

I wrote this post a bit ago and never published it... Life happened, and really, a job maybe sorta happened. I also gave up. I have so much to say, but I can not talk to myself. However, I came back to practice my typing skills. I bought a new computer, a ergonomic keyboard and mouse, and a some sort of lumbar support. Let's just say, Google has great ideas, but this one doesn't feel all that great. Really, Google, a split keyboard? I was fast before, now I am practically typing backwards if that is even a thing. That crack though...

So practice seems like a good excuse to type. But today I just wanted to check in to the universe. The blogosphere. I have lost views and in truth, I have not written. It is just really hard to talk to myself. I really should be podcasting, but I can not excuse the expense of the equipment. Just not yet.

22 minutes

So for now, my friends are getting the worst of it. I sent a 22 minute voice note on Whatsapp. Worst part is that I apologized profusely in another voice note. And then another one for good measure. Then I ended with a gif. Make light of it, sure. That is going to make it better. Tell yourself that, why don't you... At least I apologized? Ugh, whatever.

Loneliness is worst of all, I'm sure you would agree. See, we are not so different you and I. But you don't leave 22 minute voice notes. I get it... We are different.

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