Happy Spooktober!

This is a busy month for me. I am trying to keep my blog going, edit my third book, and prep for NANOWRIMO.

Editing is going well, but I may be getting to the point where I need to send it to my editor. A fresh set of eyes might be good at this point.

Blogging is... well, you're here, so good.

And prepping for NANO is new for me. I'm not normally a prepper, but I'm trying something new this year. I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I've just started prepping today, so it's very, very new to me.

If you're here for the prompt for the month:

The moon broke through the clouds, and the four of them stood there, frozen, waiting for something to happen. They were in the middle of an open field, and it was as if a spotlight had been trained on them. Suddenly, without warning...

Complete the Story

I'm excited about this one! It's October and the prompt has a moon in it! This seems like good karma to me!

Happy reading and writing today and every day!