The eclectic career of a former Jacksonville General Counsel and Mayor who found a second life in academia continued to develop Friday.

St. Augustine's Flagler College announced that its Board of Trustees had officially chosen John Delaney, currently counsel with Rogers Towers and The Fiorentino Group, as its fifth President.

"We, the Board of Trustees, are confident we have found the right leader in Mr. Delaney," said Board Chairman Rick Groux. "At this pivotal time for Flagler College, he has the background and career experiences to continue the forward momentum of the College."

"This is truly an exciting time in the College's history, and as an alumnus of the College, I am thrilled to know that my alma mater has found such an experienced and renowned leader," said Judge Chuck Tinlin, vice chair of the Board of Trustees and chair of the Presidential Search Committee.

There was little drama. The college told the local paper earlier in October that the decision was effectively made.

"During this time, the board has had an opportunity to meet with him both in individual meetings and in scheduled board meetings. Through those discussions, it has become clear that he has the experience and vision that is needed to move the college forward at this pivotal point in time," a statement from the college to the St. Augustine Record went.

Delaney was tapped for an interim position in July, a move seen as a strong get for Flagler. After his two terms as Jacksonville Mayor, Delaney went on to the University of North Florida, where he was President for more than a decade during a period of strong growth for the Jacksonville school.

While at UNF, he tripled the school's endowment and led a significant capital expansion, even as admission became more selective over his tenure.