I can't text her until Sunday evening. 

That is what I have been telling myself this week. 

I can't text her until Sunday evening. 

The fall months are my busy season with housesitting. This month alone I have four jobs-currently I am sitting in house #3. It is so easy for me to go from thinking about what I need to do here to my next job. There is nothing wrong with be prepared. I have caught myself many times making a mental packing list. I have to stop and remind myself to be present where I am. I need to stay present right here before I jump to thinking of there. 

"Be where your feet are." 

It means to be present where you are. Not striving for the next thing. 

I  can't text her until Sunday evening. 

The her I am referring to is the homeowner of #4. Be where your feet are. Live today before worrying about tomorrow. 

"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."-Matthew 6:34 ESV

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